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20241127 [새벽묵상] 세세토록 살아계시는 이에게 경배하라 | Worship Him who lives for ever and ever (계/Rev 4:5~11)

4:5 보좌로부터 번개와 음성과 우렛소리가 나고 보좌 앞에 켠 등불 일곱이 있으니 이는 하나님의 일곱 영이라

4:6 보좌 앞에 수정과 같은 유리 바다가 있고 보좌 가운데와 보좌 주위에 네 생물이 있는데 앞뒤에 눈들이 가득하더라

4:7 그 첫째 생물은 사자 같고 그 둘째 생물은 송아지 같고 그 셋째 생물은 얼굴이 사람 같고 그 넷째 생물은 날아가는 독수리 같은데

4:8 네 생물은 각각 여섯 날개를 가졌고 그 안과 주위에는 눈들이 가득하더라 그들이 밤낮 쉬지 않고 이르기를 거룩하다 거룩하다 거룩하다 주 하나님 곧 전능하신 이여 전에도 계셨고 이제도 계시고 장차 오실 이시라 하고

5 From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God. 6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.

In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:

“‘Holy, holy, holy

is the Lord God Almighty,’

who was, and is, and is to come.”

4:9 그 생물들이 보좌에 앉으사 세세토록 살아 계시는 이에게 영광과 존귀와 감사를 돌릴 때에

4:10 이십사 장로들이 보좌에 앉으신 이 앞에 엎드려 세세토록 살아 계시는 이에게 경배하고 자기의 관을 보좌 앞에 드리며 이르되

4:11 우리 주 하나님이여 영광과 존귀와 권능을 받으시는 것이 합당하오니 주께서 만물을 지으신지라 만물이 주의 뜻대로 있었고 또 지으심을 받았나이다 하더라

9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:

11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,

    to receive glory and honor and power,

for you created all things,

    and by your will they were created

    and have their being.”


                  여러분 우리는 일정 범위를 벗어난 길이, 크기, 시간등과 같은 물리적인 개념은 피부에 잘 와닿지 않습니다. 그것은 우리가 경험할 수 있는 범위와 감지할 수 있는 감각이 일정한 범위 내로 매우 제한적이기 때문입니다. 예를 들면 이런 것이죠. 우리가 1분과 10분의 차이는 누구나 직관적으로 알 수 있지요. 그러나 1억광년과 1억백광년의 차이라면 어떨까요? 그냥 뭔가 잘 모르겠지만 그냥 막연히 엄청 오래 걸리겠구나 1억광년이나 1억백광년이나 어차피 오래걸리는 거는 매한가지인데 알게뭐야라고 하지 않으실까요? 자 그렇다면 영원은 어떨까요? 영원이라… 피부에 좀 와닿으시나요?

Dear brothers and sisters, we often struggle to grasp physical concepts that exceed certain boundaries - length, size, time. This is because our experiences and senses are limited to certain ranges. For example, we can all intuitively understand the difference between 1 minute and 10 minutes. But what about the difference between 100 million light-years and 101 million light-years? Wouldn't we just vaguely think, "Well, they're both incredibly long, what's the difference?" So then, what about eternity? Does eternity feel tangible to you?

그렇다면 이렇게 생각하면 어떨까요? 유명한 예화라 이미 아시는 분도 있으실 것 같습니다. 여기 자그마한 참새 한마리가 있는데요. 이 참새가 사하라 사막의 모래 한알을 부리에 담고 저 멀리 달까지 가는데 천년이 걸린다고 생각해보겠습니다. 그렇게 참새가 모래 한 알을 부리로 집어서 천년동안 날아가서 달에 톡하고 모래 한 알을 가져다 놓습니다. 천년동안 날아가느라 힘들었으니까 좀 쉽니다. 그리고는 다시 천년 동안 열심히 날개쳐서 사하라 사막으로 돌아옵니다. 그리고는 다음 모래 한알을 부리에 뭅니다. 그리고 또 천년동안 날아가서 달에 톡하고 모래 한알을 가져다 놓습니다. 이 과정을 반복합니다. 모래 한 알씩, 한 알씩 그렇게 천년, 만년, 억년, 백억년 수천억년이 지나서 사하라 사막의 모든 모래를 다 달로 옮겼다고 생각해볼게요. 셀 수 없는 시간이 흘렀지요. 그런데 여러분 영원은요 아직 시작도 하지 않았습니다. 영원은 아직 시작도 하지 않았어요. 우리가 가늠조차 할 수 없는 영원. 경악할만큼 오랜 시간이 지난다해도 끝을 알 수 없는 영원. 바로 그 영원을 사시는 분이 우리 주 하나님이십니다. 어떠세요? 피부로 좀 와닿으시나요? 오늘 말씀에 보좌에 앉으신 주님께서는 세세토록 살아계시는 이라고 하십니다. 그리고 하늘의 천사들과 장로들이 바로 이 세세토록 살아계시는 주님께 경배한다고 합니다. 오늘은 우리의 경배받아 마땅하신 세세토록 살아계시는 주님에 대해 함께 말씀 나누기 원합니다.

Let me share an illustration - some of you may have heard this before. Imagine a small sparrow. This sparrow takes one grain of sand from the Sahara Desert and flies to the moon, taking a thousand years for the journey. After this thousand-year flight, it drops that single grain of sand on the moon. Tired from the journey, it rests a while. Then it flies back to the Sahara Desert, taking another thousand years. It picks up another grain of sand and repeats the process. One grain at a time, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years pass as it moves all the sand from the Sahara Desert to the moon. An uncountable amount of time has passed. And yet, my friends, eternity hasn't even begun. Eternity hasn't even started. This eternity that we cannot fathom, this eternity that continues even after such an astronomical amount of time - this is the eternity in which our Lord God exists. How does that feel now? Does it resonate more deeply?


In today's Scripture, we see the Lord who sits on the throne as "Him who lives for ever and ever," and the heavenly angels and elders worship this eternal Lord. Today, we'll discuss our Lord who lives forever and ever, who is worthy of our worship.

                  세세토록 살아계시는 주님 첫번째, 보좌에 앉으사 세세토록 살아계시는 분이십니다. 여러분 보좌가 무엇입니까? 의자이지요. 그런데 아무나 앉는 의자가 아닙니다. 국어사전을 보니 보좌란 “임금이 앉는 자리”라고 합니다. 무슨 뜻입니까? 하나님이 곧 왕이시라는 뜻입니다. 그런데 그 보좌가 이세상 보좌가 아닙니다. 사도요한이 성령에 감동하여 하늘의 열린문을 통해 하늘 보좌를 보았다고 어제 말씀드리지 않았습니까? 세상 보좌 따위는 하늘 보좌 앞에 아무런 의미가 없는 것입니다. 진정한 왕은 곧 하나님이신 것입니다. 우상 숭배와 황제 숭배로 핍박받고 고통받던 1세기 교회들에게 누가 이세상을 지배하시는 분인지를 주님께서 직접적으로 보여주시는 것입니다. 당시에 ‘주’라는 말은 로마 황제에게만 사용되었다고 합니다. 그리고 ‘합당하다’라는 말은 황제의 개선식에서 사용되었던 말이었다고 합니다. 그런데 오늘 11절에 보면 하나님의 보좌 앞에서 하나님이 ‘’이시며 ‘영광과 존귀와 권능을 받으시는 것이 합당하오니’라고 합니다. 바로 보좌에 앉으신 하나님만이 모든 만물을 다스리시는 진정한 황제이시며 왕이신 것입니다. 그리고 하늘 보좌에 앉으신 주님은 세상의 황제처럼 바뀌는 것이 아닙니다. 세세토록 살아계시는 이라고 하지 않습니까? 하나님의 왕되심은 영원한 것입니다.

Let's look at three aspects of our eternal Lord:


First, He is the One who sits on the throne and lives forever and ever. What is a throne? It's a chair, but not just any chair. The dictionary defines it as "the seat of a monarch." What does this mean? It means God is the King. But this isn't an earthly throne. As I mentioned yesterday, John, inspired by the Spirit, saw the heavenly throne through an open door in heaven. Earthly thrones mean nothing before the heavenly throne. God is the true King. This was a direct message to the first-century churches suffering under idol worship and emperor worship, showing them who truly rules this world. At that time, the title "Lord" was reserved only for the Roman Emperor, and the word "worthy" was used in imperial victory ceremonies. Yet in verse 11, before God's throne, it declares that God is "Lord" and is "worthy to receive glory and honor and power." He alone is the true Emperor and King over all creation. And unlike earthly emperors, our Lord on the heavenly throne doesn't change - He lives forever and ever. God's kingship is eternal.

                  세세토록 살아계시는 주님 두번째, 주님은 세세토록 거룩한 분이십니다. 여러분 거룩이란 무엇입니까? 성경에서 말하는 거룩함이란 잘라냄, 분리됨을 의미하는 말입니다.특별히 더러움과 분리된 상태를 말합니다. 원래 거룩은 하나님께만 있는 성품으로 모든 피조물과 완전히 다르게 구별되심을 말하는 것입니다. 이런 피조물과 구별되시는 하나님의 거룩함을 보여주는 말씀이 있습니다. 6절 입니다.  “보좌 앞에 수정과 같은 유리 바다가 있고”라고 하는데 이는 출애굽기 24:10에 “이스라엘의 하나님을 보니 그의 발 아래는 청옥을 편 듯하고 하늘 같이 청명하더라”라는 말씀과 일치합니다. 이 유리바다는 하나님의 하늘 보좌 아래의 바닥인 것입니다. 또한 피조물 세계의 천장 역할을 합니다. 이는 하나님의 보좌가 피조물의 세상으로부터 완전히 분리되어 있음을 보여줍니다. 주님의 거룩하심을 보여주는 것입니다. 또한 보좌 주위에 있는 하나님의 네 천사들을 통하여서도 직접적으로 주님이 어떤 분이신지를 계시하여 주십니다. 8절입니다. “그들이 밤낮 쉬지않고 이르기를 거룩하다 거룩하다 거룩하다 주 하나님 곧 전능하신 이여 전에도 계셨고 이제도 계시고 장차 오실 이시라” 주님을 경배하는 천사들은 주님이 얼마나 거룩한 분이신지 밤낮 쉬지않고 계속 주님의 거룩함을 선포하고 있습니다. 그들은 또한 주님이 전능하신 분이시며 주님이 과거에도 현재에도 미래에도 살아계시는 세세토록 거룩하신 분이심을 고백하고 있는 것입니다. 그래서 9절에 영원을 사시는 보좌에 앉으신 거룩한 주님께 천사들이 영광과 존귀와 감사를 드리는 것입니다.

Second, the Lord is eternally holy. What is holiness? In biblical terms, holiness means separation, particularly separation from impurity. Originally, holiness is God's unique attribute, showing His complete distinction from all created beings. This divine holiness is illustrated in verse 6: "Before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal," which corresponds to Exodus 24:10: "Under his feet was something like a pavement made of lapis lazuli, as bright and blue as the sky." This sea of glass forms the floor of God's heavenly throne and the ceiling of the created realm, demonstrating how God's throne is completely separated from the created world - showing His holiness. The four living creatures around the throne also directly reveal who the Lord is. Verse 8 states: "Day and night they never stop saying: 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.'" The angels worshiping the Lord proclaim His holiness without ceasing, declaring that He is almighty and eternal - past, present, and future. Therefore, in verse 9, they give glory, honor, and thanks to the holy Lord who sits on the eternal throne.

                  세세토록 살아계시는 주님 세번째, 주님은 만물을 지으신 전능하신 창조주이십니다. 10절과 11절 말씀은 모든 성도를 대표하는 24장로들이 보좌에 앉으신 주님께 경배하는 장면을 보여줍니다. 이들은 자신의 면류관을 주님께 드리며 이렇게 고백합니다. “주께서 만물을 지으신지라 만물이 주의 뜻대로 있었고 또 지으심을 받았나이다” 영원을 사시는 주님께서 모든 것을 창조하셨습니다. 주님께서 당신의 뜻대로 모든 만물을 지으셨기에 우리는 존재할 수 있게 되었습니다. 주님께서 우리를 지으셨을 때 우리는 주님과 같이 영원을 사는 존재로 만들어졌습니다. 그것이 우리를 만드신 주님의 뜻이었습니다. 그러나 우리는 보좌에 앉으신 왕되신 주님의 주권을 부정하고 피조물인 우리가 스스로 자신의 왕이 되려 하였습니다. 그 결과 우리는 거룩하신 하나님과 분리되고 말았습니다. 그러자 보좌에 앉으신 영원한 왕께서 그 보좌를 버리시고 이 땅에 내려오셨습니다. 주님의 거룩하심 또한 우리의 죄를 대신 지심으로 더럽혀지셨습니다. 그리고 십자가에서 돌아가심으로 우리는 다시 주님 안에서 새롭게 창조되었습니다. 주님께서 원래 뜻하셨던 바대로 영원을 사는 존재로 새롭게 지으심을 받은 것입니다.

Third, the Lord is the almighty Creator who made all things. Verses 10 and 11 show the 24 elders, representing all saints, worshiping the Lord on the throne. They cast their crowns before Him and declare: "You created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." The eternal Lord created everything. We exist because the Lord created all things according to His will. When the Lord created us, He made us to be eternal beings like Him - that was His intention. However, we denied the sovereignty of the King on the throne, attempting to become our own kings. As a result, we were separated from the holy God. Then the eternal King left His throne and came to earth. His holiness was defiled as He took on our sins. Through His death on the cross, we were recreated in Him - newly created as eternal beings as the Lord originally intended.

                  말씀을 맺습니다. 하늘 보좌에 앉으신 주님은 세세토록 살아계시는 분이십니다. 영원을 사시는 분이십니다. 모든 보좌 위의 하늘 보좌에 좌정하셔서 영원토록 다스리시는 절대적인 주권자 이십니다. 그리고 주님은 오늘 천사들이 밤낮 쉬지않고 고백하는 것처럼 영원토록 거룩하신 분이십니다. 그리고 주님은 만물을 뜻을 따라 지으신 영원하신 창조주 이십니다. 그리고 그 주님께서 우리를, 영원을 바라볼 수 없고 알 수도 없는 반드시 죽을 운명에 처해있던 우리를 예수님의 보혈의 피로 구원하여 주셨습니다. 그래서 우리도 영원을 바랄 수 있게 되었습니다. 여러분 바로 이 영원에 우리의 소망이 있습니다. 하늘 보좌에 앉으신 영원하신 주님을 바라보십시오. 그리고 세세토록 살아계시는 이에게 경배하십시오.



In conclusion, the Lord who sits on the heavenly throne lives forever and ever. He is eternal. He is the absolute sovereign who rules eternally from the throne above all thrones. As the angels ceaselessly proclaim day and night, He is eternally holy. He is the eternal Creator who made all things according to His will. And this Lord saved us - who were destined to die, unable to comprehend or know eternity - through the blood of Jesus. Through this, we too can look forward to eternity. Brothers and sisters, this is where our hope lies. Look to the eternal Lord who sits on the heavenly throne. Worship Him who lives forever and ever. Let us pray.


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