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20241024 [새벽묵상] 율법과 약속, 그 두번째 | From Rules to Relationship: The Journey from Law to Love (갈/Gal 3:19~29)

3:19 그런즉 율법은 무엇이냐 범법함으로 더하여진 것이라 천사들을 통하여 한 중보자의 손으로 베푸신 것인데 약속하신 자손이 오시기까지 있을 것이라

3:20 그 중보자는 한 편만 위한 자가 아니나 하나님은 한 분이시니라

19 Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator. 20 A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but God is one.

3:21 그러면 율법이 하나님의 약속들과 반대되는 것이냐 결코 그럴 수 없느니라 만일 능히 살게 하는 율법을 주셨더라면 의가 반드시 율법으로 말미암았으리라

3:22 그러나 성경이 모든 것을 죄 아래에 가두었으니 이는 예수 그리스도를 믿음으로 말미암는 약속을 믿는 자들에게 주려 함이라

21 Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. 22 But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.

3:23 믿음이 오기 전에 우리는 율법 아래에 매인 바 되고 계시될 믿음의 때까지 갇혔느니라

3:24 이같이 율법이 우리를 그리스도께로 인도하는 초등교사가 되어 우리로 하여금 믿음으로 말미암아 의롭다 함을 얻게 하려 함이라

3:25 믿음이 온 후로는 우리가 초등교사 아래 있지 아니하도다

[Children of God]

23 Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

3:26 너희가 다 믿음으로 말미암아 그리스도 예수 안에서 하나님의 아들이 되었으니

3:27 누구든지 그리스도와 합하기 위하여 세례를 받은 자는 그리스도로 옷 입었느니라

3:28 너희는 유대인이나 헬라인이나 종이나 자유인이나 남자나 여자나 다 그리스도 예수 안에서 하나이니라

3:29 너희가 그리스도의 것이면 곧 아브라함의 자손이요 약속대로 유업을 이을 자니라

26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.


                여러분 어제 저희는 “우리의 노력이 아닌 값 없이 주어지는 약속을 믿으라”라는 제목으로 말씀을 나누었습니다. 어제 모처럼 제 아내가 새벽기도에 같이 와서 예배를 드리고 돌아가는 길에 저에게 그런 말을 하더라구요. 말씀은 좋은데 듣다보니 궁금한 점이 생긴다. 이러이러한건 어떻게 되는거냐? 네 그렇습니다. 여러분, 어제 새벽기도에 나오셨으면 여러분도 아마 말씀을 들으시면서 몇가지 질문들이 머릿속에 떠올랐을 것입니다. 하나는 아마도 이것이었겠지요. “인간의 노력으로는 율법을 모두 지킬수가 없다고 했다. 율법은 계약과도 같다고 했는데 율법을 행하는 모든 이가 의를 이루지 못하고 결국 모두 저주에 이르게 된다면 율법이란 무슨 소용이 있는가?” 그리고 또 나머지 하나는, 아마도 이것이 가장 머릿속에 맴도는 질문이었을 텐데요. 바로 “우리의 인간적인 노력이 아닌 그리스도의 대속하심을 믿음으로 우리가 값없이 의롭게 된다면 우리는 아무런 노력 할 필요 없이 마음대로 살아도 되는 것인가?” 하는 것입니다. 오늘은 이 두가지 주제를 가지고 어제에 이어서 율법과 약속에 대해 말씀 나눠 보겠습니다.

Yesterday, we shared a message titled "Believe in the Promise Given Freely, Not Through Our Efforts." After the early morning prayer service, my wife, who joined me for once, mentioned something to me on our way home. She said that while the message was good, she had some questions about certain points. Yes, indeed. Those of you who attended yesterday's early morning prayer service probably had several questions arise in your minds as well.


One question might have been: "If it's impossible to keep the law completely through human effort, and if the law is like a contract where everyone who tries to live by it fails to achieve righteousness and ends up under a curse, what's the purpose of the law?" And the other question, probably the one that lingered most in your minds, was: "If we are freely justified by faith in Christ's atonement rather than our human efforts, does that mean we can live however we want without making any effort?" Today, we'll continue our discussion about the law and promise by addressing these two topics.

                첫번째 질문입니다. “율법이란 대체 무슨 소용이 있습니까?” 19절입니다. “그런즉 율법은 무엇이냐 범법하므로 더하여진 것이라” 사도바울께서 묻고 계십니다. 그렇다면 율법은 대체 왜 주어진 것이냐? 바로 약속된 그리도께서 오시기 전까지 죄 때문에 더하여진 것이다. 범법하므로, 다른말로 죄때문에, 더하여졌다, 추가되었다, 라고 하십니다. 죄 때문에 율법이 추가되었다. 무슨 뜻일까요?

첫번째로는 말 그대로 우리가 범죄하기 때문에 추가되었다는 것입니다. 여러분 제가 보스턴에서만 17년을 살다가 이곳 시애틀로 오지 않았습니까? 저는 같은 미국 땅 안이니까 다 비슷할 거라고 생각했는데 조금씩 다른 부분들이 있더라구요. 제가 저희 집에서 교회를 오려면 이사콰 중고등학교 앞을 지나야 합니다. 학교 앞이라 속도제한이 꽤나 엄격합니다. 그래도 보통 메사추세츠에서는 속도제한이 뭐 20이다 그러면 한 30 안으로는 잡지 않습니다. 그런데 어느날 티켓이 집으로 날라왔는데 학교 앞 속도제한 20구간에서 고작 26마일로 달렸다고 티켓을 보냈더라구요. 제가 너무 놀래가지고 이게 무슨 말인가 싶었습니다. 알고보니 학교가 열려있는 시간대 즉 아침7시부터 오후 4시까지는 그 20마일 구간 표지표에 불이 반짝이고 그때에는 그 20마일을 넘기면 바로 법을 어기는 것이 되는 것입니다. 여러분 저는 이 법에 익숙하지가 않아서 제가 그동안 계속 20마일을 넘겨서 그 구간을 지났었는데도 저는 그게 범법인지 알지 못하였던 것입니다. 티켓을 받고 나서야 아 이게 잘못된 거구나 여기는 무조건 20마일을 지켜야 하는 거구나 알게되었던 것이죠. 마찬가지입니다. 우리가 범법을 하더라도 법이 없으면 그것이 범법인지 알지 못하는 것입니다. 즉 우리가 하나님 앞에 죄를 지었더라도 율법이 없었으면 우리는 그것이 죄인지도 모른다는 것입니다. 율법을 통하여 우리는 하나님 앞에서 우리가 죄인임을 알게 되는 것이지요. 그래서 우리에게 율법을 주신 것입니다.

Let's address the first question: "What's the purpose of the law?" Look at verse 19: "Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come." Paul is asking: Why was the law given in the first place? It was added because of sin until the promised Christ would come. He says it was added, or supplemented, because of transgressions - in other words, because of sin. What does this mean?

First, literally, it was added because we sin. I lived in Boston for 17 years before moving to Seattle, right? I thought everything would be similar since it's the same country, but there are some differences. To get from my house to church, I have to pass by Issaquah High School. The speed limit in front of the school is quite strict. In Massachusetts, if the speed limit is 20, they usually don't enforce it unless you're going over 30. But one day, I received a ticket in the mail for going just 26 miles per hour in a 20 mph school zone. I was shocked and couldn't believe it. I learned that during school hours, from 7 AM to 4 PM, there are flashing lights on the 20 mph sign, and exceeding that limit during those hours is immediately breaking the law. I wasn't familiar with this law, so I had been consistently exceeding 20 mph in that zone without realizing I was breaking the law. Only after receiving the ticket did I understand that this was wrong and that I absolutely had to maintain 20 mph. Similarly, even when we transgress, without the law, we don't know it's a transgression. In other words, even if we sin before God, without the law, we wouldn't know it's sin. Through the law, we come to recognize that we are sinners before God. That's why we were given the law.

우리가 범죄하였기 때문에 율법을 주셨다는 그 두번째 이유는 율법을 통하여 죄사함이란 어떤 것인지를 알게 됩니다. 하나님이 주신 율법중에는 제사에 대한 율법도 있지요. 하나님께 속죄하는 제사를 드릴 때 어떻게 하나요? 흠없는 어린양을 끌고 옵니다. 그 머리에 안수하고 번제소에서 어린양을 죽입니다. 그 뒤에도 여러가지 절차가 있지만 어린양 머리에 안수 하는 것은 바로 나의 죄를 어린양에게 넘긴다는 뜻이 있습니다. 나의 죄값을 나 대신 이 어린양이 치룸으로 이 어린양은 죽게 되고 나는 죄사함을 받는 것입니다. 이것이 무엇입니까? 대속의 의미입니다. 율법을 통하여 우리에게 대속의 이미를 가르치시는 것입니다.

The second reason the law was given because of our sin is that through the law, we learn what forgiveness means. Among the laws God gave us, there are laws about sacrifices, right? When offering a sin offering to God, what do you do? You bring an unblemished lamb. You lay your hands on its head and kill it at the altar of burnt offering. While there are many other procedures, laying hands on the lamb's head symbolizes transferring our sins to the lamb. By the lamb paying the price for my sin in my place, the lamb dies, and I receive forgiveness. What is this? It's the meaning of substitutionary atonement. Through the law, God teaches us the meaning of substitutionary atonement.

세번째, 이것이 가장 중요한데요. 첫번째에서 율법을 통해 우리가 죄인임을 알게 하셨다고 하지 않았습니까? 그리고 우리는 율법에 비추어볼때 끊임없이 범죄함으로 모든 율법을 도저히 이룰 수 없다는 것을 알게 되지요. 그렇다면 우리는 우리의 힘으로는 구원 받을 수 없다는 사실을 깨닫게 되는 것입니다. 그리고 이것은 우리가 우리의 힘이 아닌 외부로부터의 구원자가 필요하다는 사실을 알게 해주는 것입니다. 바로 그렇기 때문에 오늘 말씀 22절부터 24절까지 “성경이 모든 것을 죄 아래에 가두었다” “믿음이 오기 전에 우리는 율법 아래에 매인바 되고 계시될 믿음의 때까지 갇혔다” “이같이 율법이 우리를 그리스도께로 인도한다”라고 말씀하고 계시는 것입니다. 율법은 죄된 우리의 모습을 비추어 우리가 죄인임을 깨닫게 하고 약속된 그리스도께서 오신다는 것이 어떤 의미인지 우리에게 가르쳐주셔서 우리를 약속된 그리스도께로 인도하고 계시는 것입니다. 그렇기 이미 예수님이 오신 뒤로는 25절 말씀처럼 우리는 더이상 율법아래에 있지 아니하는 것입니다. 왜냐하면 우리에게 주신 율법의 목적이 이미 이루어졌기 때문입니다.

Third, and this is most important - remember how we said that through the law, we recognize we are sinners? And when we look at the law, we realize we constantly sin and cannot possibly fulfill all the law. This leads us to understand that we cannot be saved by our own strength. And this helps us realize we need a savior from outside ourselves, not our own strength. That's why verses 22-24 say, "Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin," "Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed," and "So the law was our guardian until Christ came." The law reflects our sinful nature, helps us realize we are sinners, teaches us what it means that the promised Christ would come, and leads us to the promised Christ. That's why, as verse 25 says, after Jesus came, we are no longer under the law. Because the purpose of the law given to us has already been fulfilled.

자 이제 대질문 두번째가 남았습니다. “율법의 목적은 이미 이루어졌다고 했는데 그러면 우리는 이제 법없이 마음대로 살아도 되는 것이 아닌가? 그리스도의 대속하심을 믿으면 우리는 값없이 의롭게 된다면서요? 아닌가요?” 자 여러분 다같이 26절 보시겠습니다. “너희가 다 믿음으로 말미암아 그리스도 예수 안에서 하나님의 아들이 되었으니” 여러분 어제 말씀에 하나님께서 우리에게 주신 약속. 그것은 예수님께서 이 땅에 오셔서 우리와 예수님의 자리가 바뀌는 것임을 말씀 드렸었습니다. 율법 아래에서 저주 받고 나무에 달려 죽어야 할 우리 대신 예수님께서 우리를 위하여 저주가 되시고 우리 대신 죽으셨고 우리는 예수님의 자리였던 하나님의 아들이 대신 되어서 하나님 앞에서 의로운 자가 되는 것입니다. 바로 이것을 가르켜 오늘 말씀에 우리가 이것을 믿을 때에 우리가 그리스도 예수 안에서 하나님의 아들이 된다고 말씀하고 계시지 않습니까. 1대1 교환인 것입니다. 그렇다면 여러분 이렇게 생각하실 수도 있습니다. 아니 아무리 그래도 우리가 예수님 자리를 대신해서 들어온 양자라면 제대로된 자식이 아니지 않냐? 29절 보시겠습니다. “너희가 그리스도의 것이면 곧 아브라함의 자손이요 약속대로 유업을 이을 자니라” 여러분 유업을 이을자가 무엇입니까? 후계자입니다. 단순히 많은 자식들 중에 하나가 아니라 선택받은 후계자라는 것입니다.

Now for the second major question. We said the purpose of the law has been fulfilled, so does that mean we can now live however we want without the law? After all, if we're justified freely by believing in Christ's atonement, isn't that right? Let's look at verse 26 together: "So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith." Yesterday, we talked about God's promise to us - how Jesus came to earth and exchanged places with us. Instead of us who should have been cursed under the law and died on a tree, Jesus became a curse for us and died in our place, and we took Jesus's place as God's children and became righteous before God. That's exactly what today's passage means when it says we become God's children in Christ Jesus when we believe this. It's a one-for-one exchange. Now, you might think: Well, even so, if we're adopted children taking Jesus's place, aren't we not proper children? Look at verse 29: "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." What is an heir? A successor. Not just one of many children, but a chosen successor.

여러분 예수님이 오시기 전 율법 아래에서의 우리와 하나님의 관계는 주종관계였습니다. 하나님께서는 우리에게 법을 주시고 우리는 복을 받기 위해 그것을 따라야 하고, 그 법을 따르지 못할 때 형벌을 받습니다. 그러나 이제는 우리와 하나님과의 관계가 바뀐것입니다. 주종관계에서 부모와 자식으로 바뀌었습니다. 우리는 더이상 복을 받기위해 또는 형벌을 피하기 위해 노력할 필요가 없습니다. 이미 우리는 하나님께서 후계자로 선택한 하나님의 아들, 하나님의 딸인 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에 지금부터 우리가 하나님을 대하는 것은 모두 온전한 사랑으로부터 비롯되는 것입니다. 여러분 하나님께서 우리를 사랑하시기 때문에 우리를 만드셨습니다. 그러나 우리는 그 사랑을 저버리고 하나님을 떠났습니다. 그런데도 하나님께서는 하나뿐인 아들을 우리를 대신하여 죽이시고 우리를 되찾으셨습니다. 우리로 하나님의 아들 딸로 삼아주셨습니다. 무엇 때문입니까? 바로 우리를 사랑하시기 때문입니다. 이 큰 사랑앞에 더이상 율법은 무의미한 것입니다. 하나님께서 우리를 이토록 사랑하시는데 우리가 하나님 앞에 복을 구하겠습니까? 아니면 우리가 하나님의 형벌을 피하려 노력하겠습니까? 아니지요 완전히 상황이 달라진 것입니다. 이 크신 하나님의 사랑 앞에 우리가 할 수 있는 것은 무엇입니까? 바로 하나님을 사랑하는 것입니다. 우리가 행하는 모든 것 바로 하나님을 사랑함으로 하는 것입니다. 여러분 교회에 왜 나오십니까? 여러분 기도를 왜 하십니까? 여러분 왜 구역장을 하고 왜 교회를 섬기십니까? 바로 여러분이 하나님을 사랑하시기 때문입니다. 하나님께서 먼저 우리를 사랑해주셨기 때문에 우리는 그저 하나님께 우리의 사랑을 드리는 것 뿐인 것입니다.

Before Jesus came, our relationship with God under the law was that of master and servant. God gave us laws, and we had to follow them to receive blessings, and when we failed to follow them, we received punishment. But now our relationship with God has changed. It has changed from master-servant to parent-child. We no longer need to strive to receive blessings or avoid punishment. We are already God's sons and daughters, chosen as heirs by God. Therefore, from now on, everything we do in relation to God stems from perfect love. God created us because He loves us. But we rejected that love and left God. Yet God sacrificed His only Son to die in our place to reclaim us. He made us His sons and daughters. Why? Because He loves us. In the face of this great love, the law becomes meaningless. When God loves us so much, will we seek blessings before God? Or will we try to avoid God's punishment? No, the situation has completely changed. What can we do in the face of God's great love? Simply love God in return. Everything we do is done out of love for God. Why do you come to church? Why do you pray? Why do you serve as cell group leaders and serve the church? Because you love God. Because God loved us first, we simply offer our love to Him in return.

말씀을 맺습니다. 아이들이 용돈을 받기 위해 집안일을 도와주는 것, 기쁘지만 그것은 조건이 있고 목적이 있지요. 그러나 아이들이 우리를 사랑해서 피곤한 부모대신 쓰레기를 버려주거나 설거지를 해 주는것. 별 것 아닌데도 그렇게 감동이 될 수가 없습니다. 여러분 하나님께서 여러분에게 구하시는 것이 무엇입니까? 법을 따르는 것입니까? 아니면 당신을 사랑하는 것입니까? 하나님께서는 먼저 우리를 사랑하심으로 약속하신 예수님을 우리에게 주셨습니다. 그것도 값없이, 아무런 조건없이 주셨습니다. 하나님의 그 크신 사랑 저는 여러분이 먼저 깊이 경험하시기를 원합니다. 그 사랑을 깨달아 알 때에 우리가 할 수 있는 것은 오직 주님을 사랑하는 것일 뿐임을 알게 되시기를 축원합니다.


Let me conclude. When children help with housework to receive allowance, it's joyful but conditional and purposeful. But when children take out the trash or do the dishes out of love for their tired parents - though it's a small thing, it's incredibly touching. What is God asking of you? To follow the law? Or to love Him? God first loved us by giving us Jesus whom He promised. He gave Him freely, without any conditions. I want you first to deeply experience God's great love. I pray that when you understand that love, you'll realize that all we can do is love the Lord in return.


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