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20240227 [새벽묵상] 여호와 이름을 부르는 자 | One Who Calls on the Name of the Lord (요엘/Joel 2:18-32)

이른 비와 늦은 비를 적당하게 주시다

18 그 때에 여호와께서 자기의 땅을 극진히 사랑하시어 그의 백성을 불쌍히 여기실 것이라

The Lord’s Answer

18 Then the Lord was jealous for his land

    and took pity on his people.

19 여호와께서 그들에게 응답하여 이르시기를 내가 너희에게 곡식과 새 포도주와 기름을 주리니 너희가 이로 말미암아 흡족하리라 내가 다시는 너희가 나라들 가운데에서 욕을 당하지 않게 할 것이며

19 The Lord replied to them:

“I am sending you grain, new wine and olive oil,

    enough to satisfy you fully;

never again will I make you

    an object of scorn to the nations.

20 내가 북쪽 군대를 너희에게서 멀리 떠나게 하여 메마르고 적막한 땅으로 쫓아내리니 그 앞의 부대는 동해로, 그 뒤의 부대는 서해로 들어갈 것이라 상한 냄새가 일어나고 악취가 오르리니 이는 큰 일을 행하였음이니라 하시리라

20 “I will drive the northern horde far from you,

    pushing it into a parched and barren land;

its eastern ranks will drown in the Dead Sea

    and its western ranks in the Mediterranean Sea.

And its stench will go up;

    its smell will rise.”

Surely he has done great things!

21 땅이여 두려워하지 말고 기뻐하며 즐거워할지어다 여호와께서 큰 일을 행하셨음이로다

22 들짐승들아 두려워하지 말지어다 들의 풀이 싹이 나며 나무가 열매를 맺으며 무화과나무와 포도나무가 다 힘을 내는도다

23 시온의 자녀들아 너희는 너희 하나님 여호와로 말미암아 기뻐하며 즐거워할지어다 그가 너희를 위하여 비를 내리시되 이른 비를 너희에게 적당하게 주시리니 이른 비와 늦은 비가 예전과 같을 것이라

24 마당에는 밀이 가득하고 독에는 새 포도주와 기름이 넘치리로다

21     Do not be afraid, land of Judah;

    be glad and rejoice.

Surely the Lord has done great things!

22     Do not be afraid, you wild animals,

    for the pastures in the wilderness are becoming green.

The trees are bearing their fruit;

    the fig tree and the vine yield their riches.

23 Be glad, people of Zion,

    rejoice in the Lord your God,

for he has given you the autumn rains

    because he is faithful.

He sends you abundant showers,

    both autumn and spring rains, as before.

24 The threshing floors will be filled with grain;

    the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.

25 내가 전에 너희에게 보낸 큰 군대 곧 메뚜기와 느치와 황충과 팥중이가 먹은 햇수대로 너희에게 갚아 주리니

26 너희는 먹되 풍족히 먹고 너희에게 놀라운 일을 행하신 너희 하나님 여호와의 이름을 찬송할 것이라 내 백성이 영원히 수치를 당하지 아니하리로다

27 그런즉 내가 이스라엘 가운데에 있어 너희 하나님 여호와가 되고 다른 이가 없는 줄을 너희가 알 것이라 내 백성이 영원히 수치를 당하지 아니하리로다

25 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—

    the great locust and the young locust,

    the other locusts and the locust swarm—

my great army that I sent among you.

26 You will have plenty to eat, until you are full,

    and you will praise the name of the Lord your God,

    who has worked wonders for you;

never again will my people be shamed.

27 Then you will know that I am in Israel,

    that I am the Lord your God,

    and that there is no other;

never again will my people be shamed.

내 영을 만민에게 부어 주리니

28 그 후에 내가 내 영을 만민에게 부어 주리니 너희 자녀들이 장래 일을 말할 것이며 너희 늙은이는 꿈을 꾸며 너희 젊은이는 이상을 볼 것이며

29 그 때에 내가 또 내 영을 남종과 여종에게 부어 줄 것이며

30 내가 이적을 하늘과 땅에 베풀리니 곧 피와 불과 연기 기둥이라

31 여호와의 크고 두려운 날이 이르기 전에 해가 어두워지고 달이 핏빛 같이 변하려니와

32 누구든지 여호와의 이름을 부르는 자는 구원을 얻으리니 이는 나 여호와의 말대로 시온 산과 예루살렘에서 피할 자가 있을 것임이요 남은 자 중에 나 여호와의 부름을 받을 자가 있을 것임이니라

The Day of the Lord

28 “And afterward,

    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

    your old men will dream dreams,

    your young men will see visions.

29 Even on my servants, both men and women,

    I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

30 I will show wonders in the heavens

    and on the earth,

    blood and fire and billows of smoke.

31 The sun will be turned to darkness

    and the moon to blood

    before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

32 And everyone who calls

    on the name of the Lord will be saved;

for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem

    there will be deliverance,

    as the Lord has said,

even among the survivors

    whom the Lord calls.


다가올 재앙의 신속함과 심각함에 대해 탁월한 묘사를 통해 생생하게 전달하고 회개를 촉구했던 선지자는 이제 분위기를 전환하여 미래에 임할 축복을 약속하고 있습니다. 특히 백성들이 회개하고 바른 예배를 드리면 긍휼을 베푸시고(18절), 잃었던 것을 회복시키며 가나안 땅에서 기뻐하고 즐거워하며 너희가 다시는 두려움을 느끼지 않도록, 침입해 오는 적군을 쫓아 버리겠다고 약속합니다. 


더 나아가 기쁨을 공급해 주시고, 회복시키시고 때마다 먹을 것을 마련하시되 풍부하게 공급하심으로써 백성들로 하여금 여호와를 찬양하고 오직 하나님만을 피난처로 받아들이도록 하시겠다고 말씀하셨습니다.


이러한 회복과 보호와 안식에 대한 약속은 성령 강림에 대한 예언과 더불어 당시의 신실한 백성들에게 놀라운 위로와 격려를 해주었습니다. 이처럼 현실적이고 물질적인 축복과 더불어 성령에 함께하심까지 확인하고 약속하고 있습니다.

18-27절에서 하나님은 백성들이 회개하면 세 가지 축복을 약속하신다고 말씀 하셨습니다.

첫째 메뚜기 재앙으로 잃어버렸던 모든 것을 즉각적으로 회복시킴으로써 육체적, 영적, 생활이 윤택해 지도록 하십니다. 지금 이들이 울며 기도할 제목은 무엇보다 ‘주의 기업이 욕됨을 당하지 않도록’ 기도하는 것입니다.


In the passage from Joel 2:18-32, the prophet shifts the tone from emphasizing the impending severity and swiftness of impending calamity to promising blessings that will come in the future, contingent upon the repentance of the people and their offering of right worship. Particularly, God promises to show mercy if the people repent and offer proper worship (verse 18), restore what was lost, and cause them to rejoice and be glad in the land of Canaan, ensuring that they will no longer be afraid and promising to drive away the invading enemy.

Furthermore, God promises to provide joy, restoration, and continual provision of food, ensuring that the people will praise the Lord and accept only God as their refuge.

These promises of restoration, protection, and rest served as a remarkable comfort and encouragement to the faithful people of that time, alongside the prophecy of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Such realistic and material blessings, coupled with the presence of the Spirit, confirmed and promised to the faithful people of that time.

In verses 18-27, God promises three blessings if the people repent:

First, by immediately restoring everything lost by the plague of locusts, ensuring physical, spiritual, and material prosperity. What they are praying for now, above all, is to pray that "Your inheritance will not be ashamed."


이러한 기도에 하나님은 19절에 ‘내가 다시는 너희가 나라들 가운데에서 욕을 당하지 않게 할 것이다’라고 다짐하십니다. 이것은 1장 10-17절에서 메뚜기 재앙으로 실패한 수확에 대한 보상임을 알 수 있습니다.


오늘 본문을 보면 지나칠 정도로 하나하나 헤아려 가며 지난 세월 동안 받은 피해를 보상해 주신다는 느낌이 들 정도입니다. 이렇게 하나님의 응답은 즉각적이면서도 매우 구체적임을 잘 나타내고 있습니다. 우리는 어떠한가요? 


기도하고 있으면서 이 기도가 빨리 이루어 지기를, 빨리 이 힒듬이 지나가기를 바라는 조급함이 우리 안에 넘칠 때가 참 많습니다. 저도 힘든 일을 겪거나 어려운 상황에 빠지게 되면 ‘주님 빨리 이 시간이 지나갔으면 좋겠습니다. 빨리 이 상황이 정리가 되었으면 좋겠습니다’라고 기도할 때가 많습니다.


우리의 마음이 너무 조급해서 주님의 말씀과 응답을 기다리지 못하고 내 이야기만 하고 기도를 못할 때가 종종 있습니다. 기다리는 것에 약한 것이 저희입니다. 그래서 기다림 시간이 가장 고통스럽고 힘든게 사실입니다. 그러나 너무 조급해 하지 마시기 바랍니다. 


하나님은 자신의 약속을 완전하게 이루어 가시는 분이심을 믿습니다. 우리의 기도가 하나도 땅에 떨어짐 없이 주님의 때에 분명히 이루어 주실 것입니다. 이러한 믿음을 가지고 인내하며 끝까지 주님을 붙들고 나아가시기를 소망합니다. 

In response to such prayers, God promises in verse 19, "I will never again make you a reproach among the nations." This can be understood as compensation for the failure of the harvest due to the locust plague as seen in 1:10-17.

Looking at today's passage, one feels as if one is counting each and every one to the point where it feels as if the damage suffered over the years is being compensated for. This response of God is well expressed as being immediate and very concrete. How about us?

There are often many times when our hearts overflow with eagerness to hope that our prayers will be answered quickly, to hope that this difficult time will pass quickly. When I experience difficult things or fall into difficult situations, I often pray, "Lord, I hope this time passes quickly. I hope this situation is resolved quickly."

We, too, are weak in waiting. Therefore, waiting is the most painful and difficult thing in fact. But don't be too impatient.

I believe that God, who fulfills His promises perfectly, will surely fulfill our prayers without any falling to the ground. I hope that you will have such faith and persevere, holding onto the Lord until the end.


둘째 이스라엘 백성들이 더 이상 이방 민족에게 수치를 당하지 않도록 하시며, 세 번째는 북쪽 군대를 떠나게 한다고 하십니다. 하나님은 한때 도구로 사용했던 북쪽의 군대를 메마르고 적막한 땅으로 쫓아내어 그들의 교만과 오만을 꺾으십니다.


에스켈 35:13 “너희가 나를 대적하여 입으로 자랑하며 나를 대적하여 여러 가지로 말한 것을 내가 들었노라”라고 말씀 하십니다. 하나님은 자기 백성의 피해를 더 이상 용납하지 않을 것이라는 약속을 하고 계신 것입니다. 이스라엘 백성에게 중요한 것은 재앙을 피할 수 있게 되었다는 사실 그 자체가 아니었습니다. 하나님의 관심은 자기 백성에게 임할 재앙을 피하게 해 주는 일이 아니었습니다.


고통을 당했던 그대로 보상하시겠다는 하나님의 모습은 이스라엘 백성들에게 다시 한번 하나님이 그들 가운데 함께하심을 보여 주는데 더 큰 의미가 있습니다. 


어려움과 재앙을 겪으면서 기도하는 백성들의 기도를 들으시고 섬세하게 응답해 주시는 하나님, 그리고 이전에 가지지 못했던 것을 기도의 응답으로 풍성하게 소유할 수 있게 된 백성들의 모습들을 보면서 우리는 기도의 응답해 주시는 것에만 집중되어서는 안 됩니다.

우리는 그 너머의 자리 더 깊은 곳으로 나아가야 합니다. 우리의 기도가 그 정도에서만 머물러 있어서도 안 됩니다. ‘내가 기도하니 하나님께서 응답해 주셨다’ 그것도 중요하지만, 기도하면서 생각해야 할 가장 중요한 점은 기도와 그 응답을 통해 하나님께서 우리와 계속해서 교제하시고 이야기를 듣고 계시는 그 사실에 더 집중해야 합니다. 


지금 나의 기도를 통하여 이곳에 임재하고 계시는 주님을 인지하고 확인하는 게 우리에게는 더 중요합니다. 어느 곳에서 어느 환경에서 기도하시든지 주님께서는 여러분과 그 기도에 자리에 함께하실 줄 믿습니다. 이러한 굳건한 믿음으로 주님과 더 깊은 교제의 자리로 나아가시는 성도님들 되시기를 바랍니다.

Second, God promises that the Israelites will no longer be put to shame before the nations, and third, that He will drive away the northern army. God will wither and drive away the northern army, which was once used as a tool, and break their pride and arrogance.

Ezekiel 35:13 says, "You have spoken arrogantly against me with your mouth, and have multiplied your words against me; I have heard it." God promises that He will no longer tolerate the harm to His people. What was important to the Israelites was not just the fact that they could avoid disaster. God's concern was not about avoiding the impending disaster for His people.

The promise of God to compensate them as they suffered is a greater significance, showing that God is with them once again among them.

When we see the people of God who prayed while suffering and the delicate responses of God to their prayers, and when we see the people who can now possess what they could not possess before as the response to their prayers, we should not focus only on the response to prayer.

We must go deeper into the place beyond. Our prayers should not stay at that level. It's important to pray, 'God has answered my prayer.' But the most important thing to think about while praying is to focus more on the fact that God continues to commune with us and listen to our stories through prayer and its response.

It is more important for us to recognize and confirm the Lord who is present and dwelling here through my prayer right now. No matter where you pray or what environment you pray in, I believe that the Lord will be with you and your prayers. I hope that all of you, saints, will advance to a deeper communion with the Lord with this strong faith.


28-32절은 종말에 하나님은 백성들의 육체에 성령을 부어주신다는 것입니다.

하나님은 먼 미래에 성령을 만민에게 풍성하게 부어 주신다 약속하십니다. 이 성령 강림은 특정한 대상 즉 과거에는 일시적으로 혹은 직분에 제한되게 부어진 것이 앞으로는 모두에게 주어진다는 것입니다. 


그러면서 사도행전 2장 1-4절에 자연적 개입과 증표로서 자연 현상도 함께 나타나게 됩니다. “홀연히 하늘로부터 급하고 강한 바람 같은 소리가 있고, 마치 불의 혀처럼 갈라지는 것들이 그들에게 보여 각 사람 위에 하나씩 임하고, 그들이 다 성령의 충만함을 받고 성령이 말하게 하심을 따라 다른 언어들로 말하기를 시작하니라”라고 말합니다.


특별히 요엘은 성령 강림과 재림 전의 사건을 동시적으로 예언함으로써 종말론적 구원의 모습을 드러내 주고 있습니다. 그러면서 31절에 여호와의 날을 언급합니다. 이스라엘이 전통적으로 기대하던 여호와의 날은 이방을 향해 승리를 경험하는 날이었습니다.


그러나 실제로 선지서에 선포되는 여호와의 날은 이스라엘을 향해 심판을 행하시는 날이었습니다. 이 두 날들의 특징은 자연현상을 통한 하나님의 오심을 경험한다는 것입니다. 그런데 요엘서에서는 그것보다 한 차원 더 나간 여호와의 날을 선포한 것입니다.

Verses 28-32 state that in the end, God will pour out His Spirit on all people.

God promises to pour out His Spirit abundantly on all people in the distant future. This coming of the Spirit means that while it was poured out on specific subjects in the past, it will now be given to everyone without restriction or limitation on duty.

At the same time, natural phenomena will also appear as evidence of divine intervention in Acts 2:1-4. "Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."

In particular, Joel simultaneously prophesies events before the Advent of the Holy Spirit and the end times, revealing the appearance of eschatological salvation. In verse 31, he mentions the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord, traditionally anticipated by Israel, was a day when Israel experienced victory over the nations.

However, in reality, the day of the Lord declared in the prophets was a day when God executed judgment on Israel. The characteristic of these two days is that they experience God's coming through natural phenomena. But in Joel, they proclaim a day of the Lord that goes beyond that.


그것은 우주적 종말을 이야기한 것입니다. 그러면서 모든 우주가 여호와의 영광과 능력을 경험할 것이라고 말합니다. 이 짧은 압축된 문장 속에 엄청난 메시지가 포함되어 있습니다. 그러나 주님은 이러한 종말만을 이야기하고 계시지 않습니다.


그것을 벗어날 방법을 동시에 말씀하고 계십니다. 그것은 바로 여호와의 이름을 부르는 것입니다. 여호와의 이름을 부른다는 것은 무엇일까요? 바로 예배하는 것입니다. 언약의 하나님으로 고백하고 섬기는 길 밖에는 구원을 향한 탈출구가 있을 수 없다는 사실을 본문은 명확하게 말하고 있습니다. 


우리는 주님을 찾고 부르짖지 않으면 하루도 살아갈 수 없을 고백 합니다. 본문에서 이야기한 것과 같이 하나님은 죄를 심판하시지만 회개하는 자에게는 구원을 허락하시며, 성령의 은혜는 모든 성도에게 주어집니다. 마지막 으로 누구든지 여호와의 이름을 부르는 자는 구원을 얻게 됩니다.


오늘 하루도 내가 있는 자리가 주님과 함께하는 자리이며 기도를 통해 주님과 교제할 수 있는 그 기쁨과 은혜를 기억하며 여호와를 부르짖는 저희 모두가 되기를 간절히 소망합니다.


It talks about the cosmic end. At the same time, it also talks about a way to go beyond that. That is calling on the name of the Lord. What does it mean to call on the name of the Lord? It's worship. The text clearly states that there is no escape route for salvation outside of confessing and serving God as the God of the Covenant.


We confess that we cannot live a single day without seeking and crying out to the Lord. As the text says, God judges sin, but allows salvation for those who repent, and the grace of the Spirit is given to all saints. Finally, whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.


Today, we all earnestly hope that we will all become those who remember the joy and grace of being with the Lord and communing with Him through prayer, which is the place where we are with the Lord through prayer and can commune with Him.


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