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20240220 [새벽묵상] 십자가에 못 박히셨다 | He was Nailed to the Cross (막/Mk 15:24~32)

15:24 십자가에 못 박고 그 옷을 나눌새 누가 어느 것을 가질까 하여 제비를 뽑더라

24 And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots to see what each would get.

15:25 때가 제삼시가 되어 십자가에 못박으니라

15:26 그 위에 있는 죄패에 유대인의 왕이라 썼고

25 It was nine in the morning when they crucified him. 26 The written notice of the charge against him read: the king of the jews.

15:27 강도 둘을 예수와 함께 십자가에 못 박으니 하나는 그의 우편에, 하나는 좌편에 있더라

15:28 (없 음)

15:29 지나가는 자들은 자기 머리를 흔들며 예수를 모욕하여 이르되 아하 성전을 헐고 사흘에 짓는다는 자여

15:30 네가 너를 구원하여 십자가에서 내려오라 하고

15:31 그와 같이 대제사장들도 서기관들과 함께 희롱하며 서로 말하되 그가 남은 구원하였으되 자기는 구원할 수 없도다

15:32 이스라엘의 왕 그리스도가 지금 십자가에서 내려와 우리가 보고 믿게 할지어다 하며 함께 십자가에 못 박힌 자들도 예수를 욕하더라

27 They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left. [28]  29 Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, 30 come down from the cross and save yourself!” 31 In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! 32 Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.


어제와 오늘 본문은 마가복음에서 클라이맥스이자 신구약 전체의 클라이맥스로서 수천 년에 걸쳐 예언했던 예수님께서 세상에 오셔서 십자가에 못 박히시는 장면을 이야기하고 있습니다. 그런데 오늘 본문을 보면 너무 간단하게 십자가에 대해 말하고 있다는 것입니다. 


즉 주님께서 십자가에 못 박히시는 장면을 짧게 짧게 말하고 있습니다. 24절에 보면 군병들이 예수님의 옷을 누가 어느 것을 가질까 하는 설명과 25절은 그때가 시간이 언제였는지에 대한 설명과 함께 아주 간단히 십자가에 대해서만 말하고 있습니다.


십자가에 대해 이렇게 간결하게 이야기하는 것을 마가의 문제라고 설명하기에는 무리가 있습니다. 왜냐하면 다른 복음서들도 이 십자가의 장면을 자세히 설명하고 있지 않은 형태를 보이기 때문입니다. 모든 복음서를 보면 예수님께서 십자가에 못 박히시는 장면을 그저 짧게 그리고 사실적으로 기록하고 지나갈 뿐입니다.

The passage from yesterday and today in the Book of Mark is discussing the climax, which is also the climax of the entire Old and New Testaments, as Jesus, who came to the world, is nailed to the cross. However, when looking at today's passage, it speaks too briefly about the crucifixion.

In other words, it briefly describes only the scene of Jesus not being crucified. In verse 24, it describes the soldiers casting lots for Jesus' clothes, and in verse 25, it briefly mentions the time of the crucifixion.

It is unreasonable to attribute the brevity in discussing the crucifixion as a problem with Mark. This is because other Gospels also depict the crucifixion scene in a similar, brief, and factual manner. In all the Gospels, Jesus' not being crucified is simply recorded and passed over briefly.


우리가 성경을 읽어보면 시편처럼 웅장한 찬송 시를 표현하고 있는 부분을 볼 수 있으며, 어떤 부분은 우리의 가슴을 찢는 아픔과 안타까움, 그리고 회개의 기도문이 등장하는 성경 속 말씀들을 볼 수 있습니다. 오늘 본문에서 저희가 생각하고 기대하며 읽을 때, 무언가 극적이고 클라이맥스 같은 음향 효과와 영상미가 지금 이곳이 필요한 곳이라 생각이 듭니다. 그런데 왜 하나님께서는 이 부분에서 멋진 기도문이나 웅장한 찬송 시 같은 것을 다 빼고 왜 이토록 간결하게 말씀하신 것일까요?

십자가를 생각하면 어떤 마음이 드십니까. 각자 십자가에 대한 이미지와 가지고 계신 마음들이 모두 다르게 다가오실 것입니다. 복음서 기자들도 나름 가슴에서 터져 나오는 신앙고백과 회개의 시를 여기에 넣고 싶은 충동을 아마 가장 많이 느꼈을 것입니다. 그런 그들이 왜 이 부분을 이토록 간단히 묘사하고 있을까요? 


어찌 보면 아무런 다른 설명 없이 담백하고 간결하게 십자가의 사건만을 기록하게 하신 것은 하나님의 큰 은혜 입니다. 왜냐하면 만약 십자가 앞에 어떤 찬송 시나 기도문이나 회개 문이 들어갔다면 하나님께서 우리에게 말씀하시고 알게 하기를 원하는 그 십자가의 의미는 이러한 설명에 의해 갇히게 되었을 것입니다. 

십자가의 의미와 깊이와 그 넓이는 우리가 상상할 수 없이 무한합니다. 이 십자가는 우리의 평생의 묵상의 주제이자, 쉼 없는 찬송의 제목이며, 우리 삶의 모습입니다. 그래서 성경에 보면 이 십자가의 의미를 다른 여러 곳에서 설명하고 있습니다. 

When we think about the crucifixion, various thoughts and emotions come to mind for each person. Gospel writers, perhaps, felt the impulse to include confessions of faith, prayers of repentance, or hymns bursting from their hearts in this passage. So, why did they describe this scene so simply?

When considering the meaning of the crucifixion, one might expect dramatic effects, grandeur, or imagery. However, God's great grace lies in not confining the meaning of the cross to such explanations. If hymns, prayers, or confessions were included, people would undoubtedly confine the meaning of the cross to those explanations.

The meaning, depth, and breadth of the cross are infinitely vast and beyond imagination. The cross is the theme of our lifelong meditation, the title of ceaseless praise, and the embodiment of our lives. Therefore, the Bible explains the meaning of the cross in various other places.


십자가는 이사야서의 종의 노래를 통해 설명되었고, 사도행전의 베드로의 설교에서 나타났으며, 바울서신의 여러 부분들에서 설명되어 졌습니다. 만약 이러한 설명들이 지금 이 본문에 속에 설명 되었다면 사람들은 틀림없이 십자가의 의미를 이 설명의 틀에 가두어 버렸을 것입니다.

십자가를 대하는 의미와 마음을 이러한 틀에 가두지 않으시고 담백하고 간결하게 설명하신 하나님의 은혜가 얼마나 놀랍고 감사한 일인 줄 모릅니다. 우리가 십자가를 생각하며 말씀을 읽을 때 또 기도할 때 십자가에서의 그 크신 사랑을 감격하고 나도 모르게 눈물을 흘리며 감사할 때가 있지 않으십니까. 


찬송을 듣고 있는데 나도 모르게 그 예수님을 묵상하게 되고 찬송의 가사 말처럼 되지 못한 나 자신을 바라보며 얼마나 죄송한 마음에 또 눈물을 흘리며 주님을 찾고 십자가를 붙드는 모습들이 모두 있으셨으리라 믿습니다. 저도 이러한 적이 얼마나 많은지 모르며 지금도 십자가를 생각하면 한없이 눈물이 흐릅니다.


하물며 저 시대의 복음서 기자들은 이 장면을 기록할 때 주님의 십자가를 생각하며 아마 저희보다 더 여러 가지 마음이 들었을 것입니다. 아마 십자가의 은혜 때문에 손이 떨려 기록하지 못하고 어쩌면 며칠을 울고 금식했을지 모릅니다. 예수님의 십자가를 바로 곁에서 지켜보았던 요한이 이제는 노인이 되어 자신의 복음서를 기록하면서 주님의 십자가에 대해 글을 쓰게 되었을 때 얼마나 감격스러울지 상상이 되지 않습니다.

The cross is described through the Servant Song in Isaiah, appears in Peter's sermon in Acts, and is elaborated upon in several parts of Paul's letters. If such explanations were included here, people would undoubtedly confine the meaning of the cross to those explanations.

It is amazing and grateful that God did not confine our hearts and meanings when facing the cross, but simply and succinctly described it. When we read the Scriptures and pray while thinking about the cross, there are moments when we are deeply moved by the immense love of the cross and shed tears of gratitude without even realizing it.

As we listen to hymns, we may find ourselves meditating on Jesus and looking at ourselves as unworthy, shedding tears of repentance, and seeking the Lord, just as the lyrics of the hymn express. I believe there were many moments like this, and even now, tears flow endlessly when I think about the cross.

Moreover, the Gospel writers of that era, when recording this scene, must have felt various emotions even more than us. Perhaps, due to the grace of the cross, their hands trembled and they couldn't record it, and maybe they wept and fasted for days. It's unimaginable how moving it must have been for John, who had now become an old man, to write about the cross of the Lord while recording his Gospel.

자신들의 모든 경험과 재주를 다해 십자가를 묘사하려고 했던 각 복음서 기자의 마음을 하나님께서는 억누르셔서 결국은 아무런 다른 설명도 기록하지 못하게 하신 성령님의 역사를 우리는 감사하며 찬양해야 합니다. 모든 복음서에는 오직 ‘예수님께서 십자가에 못 박히셨다’는 간단한 문장 한 줄만이 기록되어 있을 뿐입니다. 


결국 그렇기 때문에 십자가는 우리에게 영원한 찬양의 주제이며, 영원한 묵상의 주제이고, 영원한 신학적 탐구의 주제가 되는 것입니다. 예수님께서 몰약을 탄 포도주를 거부하신 것은 대속을 위한 고난을 온전히 당하시기 위한 것이었고, 또 십자가 위에서의 일곱 가지 말씀을 또렷한 정신을 가지고 말씀하시기 위한 것이었을 것입니다. 


예수님은 고난을 받으시되 그 고난에 의해 묶이신 적이 없으셨습니다. 그분은 고난의 주도권을 한시라도 다른 사람에게 혹은 고통 자체의 무게에 넘기신 적이 없으십니다. 예수님은 언제라고 그 고통에서 벗어날 자유가 있었다는 것은 그분에게 얼마나 큰 유혹이며 짐이었을까요. 그런데도 그 모든 순간을, 저희를 위해 십자가에서의 고통을 선택해 주셨다는 것은 놀랍고 큰 은혜가 아닐 수 없습니다.

We should be thankful and praise the work of the Holy Spirit, who suppressed the hearts of each Gospel writer, who tried to describe the cross with all their experiences and talents, ultimately preventing them from recording any other explanation. In all the Gospels, there is only one simple sentence recorded: "He was nailed to the cross."

Ultimately, this is why the cross becomes the eternal theme of praise for us, the eternal subject of meditation, and the eternal subject of theological inquiry. Jesus refusing the sour wine mingled with gall was to fully endure the suffering for redemption, and also to speak the seven last words clearly with a sound mind on the cross.

Jesus never yielded to the suffering, never relinquished control over the suffering to anyone else, or to the weight of the pain itself. Imagine the temptation and burden it would be for Him to have the freedom to escape from that suffering at any moment. Yet, to think that He chose to endure the suffering on the cross for us, is nothing short of amazing grace.


29절에서 보면 십자가를 바라보는 자들은 예수님을 모욕했습니다. 예수님은 자신이 메시아라고 말씀하셨지만 그들은 아니라고 주장하며 어떻게든 자신의 의지를 이루려고 했습니다. 그런데 이제 예수님께서 십자가에 무력하게 매달려 있는 것을 보고 있으니 자신들의 판단이 옳았다며 말하고 있습니다.


그들은 예수님 자신을 구원하기 위해 십자가에서 내려와 보라고 조롱을 합니다. 30절에 말하는 이 조롱은 예수님의 지금의 상태에 대한 조롱을 넘어서서 예수님이 주장하고 가르치셨던 모든 것들에 대한 부정에 의미를 담고 이야기하고 있는 것입니다.


아마 이들은 이렇게 생각했을 것입니다. ‘역시 우리가 옳았어, 이제 우리가 이겼다, 너에게 남겨진 몫은 그 위에서의 고통과 죽음뿐이다’ 라고 말입니다. 예수님께서는 왜 지금 이 자리에서 이러한 고통과 수모를 당하셔야만 하는지 그 의미를 충분히 알고 계셨습니다.


인간적인 마음으로 예수님께서도 그들이 말하는 대로 자신의 옳음을 증명해 보이고 싶은 마음이 없었을까요? 아마 인간적인 감정으로 이러한 마음도 있었을 것입니다. 예수님을 모르는 사람들은 이러한 이야기를 들으면 아니 왜 그렇게 모든 것을 할 수 있는 사람이 그 고통에 자리에 있어? 그냥 말 한마디로 그 사람들을 죽이고 자신이 누구라고 말하면 되잖아 라고 이야기 할 것입니다.

In verse 29, those looking upon the cross mocked Jesus. Though He had claimed to be the Messiah, they denied Him and sought to assert their own will. Seeing Jesus now hanging powerless on the cross, they declared their judgment to be correct.

They taunted Him to come down from the cross to save Himself. This mockery in verse 30 goes beyond mocking Jesus' current state; it implies a denial of everything Jesus had claimed and taught.

Perhaps they thought, 'We were right after all, we have won now, and all that remains for you is suffering and death.' Jesus understood fully the significance of why He had to endure this pain and humiliation at this moment.

Even with a human heart, did Jesus not have the desire to prove His righteousness as they were claiming? Perhaps there were such human emotions. People who do not know Jesus might say, 'Why does the one who can do anything remain in that position of suffering? Just say a word and kill those people.'

세상의 눈에는 이 십자가는 패배의 자리입니다. 이 패배의 자리에서 인간의 몸을 가진 예수님께서 가장 고통스러운 모습을 원수들 앞에서 보이고 있으며, 지금까지 하신 모든 일들이 무의미한 일로 평가될 때 분노의 마음보다 주님은 긍휼과 사랑의 마음이 더 크셨을 것입니다.


성도 여러분! 지금 사순절 기간을 어떻게 보내고 계십니까? 지금의 여러분에게 이 십자가는 어떻게 다가오고 계시나요? 그저 늘 봐왔던 십자가 인가요? 늘 내 걱정 불평 불만만을 늘어놓는 자리로만 여기시나요? 이제 십자가의 진정한 의미를 예수님의 마음을 다시 한번 돌아보아야 합니다.


나를 구원하시기 위해 그 고통을 홀로 감당하셨던 그 예수님! 이런 못난 나이고 아직도 내 안에 수많은 죄성 본성이 하루에도 몇 번씩 나오는 이런 죄인을 항상 옆에서 눈물로 기도하시고 긍휼의 마음과 사랑으로 저희를 품고 계시는 그 십자가의 예수님을 다시 한번 깊이 묵상하는 오늘 하루가 되시기를 기도합니다.


In the eyes of the world, the cross is a place of defeat. In this place of defeat, Jesus, with a human body, displayed the most agonizing aspect before His enemies. At a time when everything He had done would be judged as meaningless, His heart was filled not with anger but with greater mercy and love.

Beloved saints! How are you spending this season of lent? How does the cross come to you now? Is it just the cross you've always seen? Do you see it only as a place to pour out your worries, complaints, and dissatisfaction? We must reflect once again on the true meaning of the cross in the heart of Jesus.

Jesus, who bore the suffering alone to save me! Even though I am so unworthy and still have many sinful inclinations that come out several times a day, I pray that you are always praying with tears beside me and embracing me with a heart of mercy and love. I pray that today will be a day of deep meditation on Jesus of the cross.


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