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20240124 [새벽묵상] 삶의 변화와 시선 | Transformation and Perspective of Life (막/Mk 9:2-13)

9:2 엿새 후에 예수께서 베드로와 야고보와 요한을 데리시고 따로 높은 산에 올라가셨더니 그들 앞에서 변형되사

9:3 그 옷이 광채가 나며 세상에서 빨래하는 자가 그렇게 희게 할 수 없을 만큼 매우 희어졌더라

9:4 이에 엘리야가 모세와 함께 그들에게 나타나 예수와 더불어 말하거늘

The Transfiguration

2 After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. 3 His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. 4 And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.

9:5 베드로가 예수께 고하되 랍비여 우리가 여기 있는 것이 좋사오니 우리가 초막 셋을 짓되 하나는 주를 위하여, 하나는 모세를 위하여, 하나는 엘리야를 위하여 하사이다 하니

9:6 이는 그들이 몹시 무서워하므로 그가 무슨 말을 할지 알지 못함이더라

5 Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 6 (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.)

9:7 마침 구름이 와서 그들을 덮으며 구름 속에서 소리가 나되 이는 내 사랑하는 아들이니 너희는 그의 말을 들으라 하는지라

7 Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”

9:8 문득 둘러보니 아무도 보이지 아니하고 오직 예수와 자기들뿐이었더라

8 Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.

9:9 그들이 산에서 내려올 때에 예수께서 경고하시되 인자가 죽은 자 가운데서 살아날 때까지는 본 것을 아무에게도 이르지 말라 하시니

9:10 그들이 이 말씀을 마음에 두며 서로 문의하되 죽은 자 가운데서 살아나는 것이 무엇일까 하고

9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10 They kept the matter to themselves, discussing what “rising from the dead” meant.

9:11 이에 예수께 묻자와 이르되 어찌하여 서기관들이 엘리야가 먼저 와야 하리라 하나이까

11 And they asked him, “Why do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?”

9:12 이르시되 엘리야가 과연 먼저 와서 모든 것을 회복하거니와 어찌 인자에 대하여 기록하기를 많은 고난을 받고 멸시를 당하리라 하였느냐

9:13 그러나 내가 너희에게 이르노니 엘리야가 왔으되 기록된 바와 같이 사람들이 함부로 대우하였느니라 하시니라

12 Jesus replied, “To be sure, Elijah does come first, and restores all things. Why then is it written that the Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected? 13 But I tell you, Elijah has come, and they have done to him everything they wished, just as it is written about him.”



많은 과학자들이 ‘처음 현미경을 들여다본 아이의 표정은 아무리 봐도 질리지 않는다'라고 말한다고 합니다. 조금 전까지만 해도 흔한 먼지처럼 보이던 것이 갑자기 온갖 문양과 색을 띤 흥미로운 물체로 변하는데, 그것을 본 후로 사물을 바라보는 아이의 시선이 달라지게 되기 때문입니다. 눈에 보이는 것이 전부가 아니라는 사실을 알게 된 것이지요. 오늘 본문에서도 아이처럼 시선이 달라진 제자들의 모습을 볼 수 있습니다.

Many scientists say, 'The expression of a child looking through a microscope for the first time never gets tired no matter how much you look at it.' Until just a moment ago, something that looked like common dust suddenly transforms into an interesting object with various patterns and colors, changing the child's perspective on looking at things. It is because they realize that what is visible is not everything. In today's passage, we can see the disciples whose gaze has changed like a child.


본문은 두 가지 이야기를 하고 있습니다. 첫째는 예수님께서 변화하신 사건과 두번째는 엘리야에 관한 교훈 입니다. 예수님은 베드로, 야고보, 요한을 데리고 높은 산으로 가십니다. 보통 마가복음에서는 더 큰 계시를 이야기할 때 그것을 보는 자들의 숫자가 적습니다. 


세 명의 제자들이 예수님의 변화를 보게 되고, 그분을 따르는 세 명의 여자들이 빈 무덤을 발견하고 예수님의 부활에 대해 처음으로 알게 됩니다. 오늘 본문에 나오는 세 명의 제자들은 복음서에서 두드러지게 묘사되어 있습니다. 


그들은 맨 처음 부르심을 받았고, 그들의 이름이 열두 명의 목록 중 맨 앞에 나옵니다. 또한 죽은 야이로의 딸을 살리실 때에도 예수님께서 그들을 함께 데리고 가십니다. 베드로는 처음으로 예수님을 그리스도라 고백하고, 야고보와 요한은 자기들과 예수님의 가까운 관계를 이용하여 그의 능력의 나라에서 권세의 자리에 앉고자 시도하기도 했습니다. 이러한 선별된 제자들은 복음서의 청중들이 알고 있는 예수님에 관한 정보, 즉 그가 어떠한 분이신지, 무엇을 위해 이 땅에 오신 것인지를 알고 있는 첫 번째 인물들 입니다.


2절에 ‘엿새 후에’라는 말로 본문은 시작합니다. 마가복음에서 정확한 시간을 말해 주는 것은 찾아보기 힘든 부분입니다. 아마 앞 단락과의 연관성을 강조하고자 하는 마가의 의도를 보여주는 것 같습니다. 마가는 오늘 본문에서 예수님의 변화된 사건이 적어도 9:1에서 말씀하신 약속의 부분적 성취임을 나타내고자 했던 것으로 보입니다.

The passage tells two stories. The first is the event of Jesus' transformation, and the second is the teaching about Elijah. Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to a high mountain. Usually, in the Gospel of Mark, when telling a more significant revelation, the number of those who see it is small.

The three disciples witness the transformation of Jesus, and three women following Him discover an empty tomb and learn about Jesus' resurrection for the first time. The three disciples mentioned in today's passage are vividly described in the Gospels.

They were the first to be called, and their names come first in the list of twelve names. Also, when Jesus raised Jairus's daughter from the dead, He took them with Him. Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ for the first time, and James and John, trying to use their close relationship with Jesus, attempt to sit in positions of authority in His kingdom. These selected disciples are the first individuals in the Gospels who have information about Jesus that the audience knows – who He is and why He came to this earth.

The passage starts with the phrase 'after six days.' Mark rarely provides the exact time in the Gospel. Perhaps he wants to emphasize the connection with the previous paragraph. It seems that Mark intended to show that the event of Jesus' transformation mentioned in today's passage is at least a partial fulfillment of the promise mentioned in 9:1.


제자들이 본문에서 경험한 시각적 현상은 천국의 광경으로 인식하기에 충분하였을 것입니다. 특히 예수님의 변화된 모습, 3절에 “그 옷이 광채가 나며 세상에서 빨래하는 자가 그렇게 희게 할 수 없을 만큼 매우 희어졌더라” 라고 말한것 처럼, 다니엘서 7:9에서 “옛적부터 항상 계신 자”의 모습을 반영 하듯이 제자들이 가지고 있는 인식을 확고하게 해주는 모습입니다.


그리고 제자들은 이러한 모습을 보고 무슨 말을 할지 모를정도로 놀란 그들의 반응이 6절에 나타나 있습니다. 6절은 “그들이 몹시 무서워하므로 그가 무슨 말을 할지 알지 못함이더라” 라고 말합니다. 이러한 경험은 8:31에서 인자의 고난에 대한 선포로 고민과 의심에 싸여있었을 제자들에게 예수님을 메시아로 확신하는 새로운 계기가 되었을 것입니다.


특히 그들이 본 광경 가운데 유대인들에게 종말론적 인물로 생각되어져 왔던 모세와 엘리야가 함께 나타났다는 사실은 예수님께서 메시아적 지위를 더욱 분명하게 나타내는 계기가 되었던 것입니다. 이러한 상황가운데 7절에  구름에서 부터 음성이 들려 옵니다. 7절 “이는 내 사랑하는 아들이니 너희는 그의 말을 들으라 하는지라”


이 음성은 제자들이 직면한 문제의 핵심을 말해주고 있는 것입니다. 7절 전반부는 예수님의 메시아적 신분과 연관된 내용을 말하고 있습니다. 앞단락의 31절에서 예수님의 충격적인 선포와 요구로 말미암아 낙담하던 제자들에게 하나님은 예수님께서 하나님의 아들이라는 사실을 몸소 보여주시면서 선포하신 것입니다. 하나님은 이미 1:11에서도 예수님을 자신의 아들로 선포하셨습니다.

The visual phenomenon that the disciples experienced in the passage would have been sufficient to recognize it as a glimpse of the kingdom of heaven. Especially, the transformed appearance of Jesus, as mentioned in verse 3, "His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them," reflects the appearance of the 'Ancient of Days' in Daniel 7:9. It solidifies the disciples' understanding.

And the disciples, seeing this, are astonished to the point of not knowing what to say, as indicated in verse 6: "because they were so frightened, Peter didn't know what to say." This experience would have been a new catalyst for the disciples who were struggling with doubts and concerns about the shocking proclamation of the suffering of the Son of Man in 8:31.

Especially, the fact that Moses and Elijah, considered by the Jews as eschatological figures, appeared together in the midst of the spectacle they saw, became a clearer indication of Jesus' Messianic status. In the midst of such a situation, a voice is heard from the cloud in verse 7: "This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!"

This voice speaks the core of the problem the disciples faced. The first part of verse 7 is about the Messianic status associated with Jesus. God shows through this proclamation that Jesus is His Son, as He already declared in 1:11.


하지만 그곳에서의 선포가 예수님 자신에게 주어진 선포 였다면, 지금 이곳에서는 제자들에게 직접 자신을 선포하신 것입니다. 이러한 선포와 제자들이 직접 눈으로 본 예수님의 변화된 모습을 통해 예수님의 메시아적 신분에 대한 확신을 더하게 된 것입니다.


복음서의 구조상 하나님의 아들로서의 예수님의 신분은 복음서의 초반과 절정인 오늘 본문과(7절) 마지막 부분에서 선포 됨으로서 복음서의 뼈대를 이루는 핵심 주제로 드러나게 됩니다. 


또한 하나님의 음성 후반부는 제자들의 본분과 연관이 되는 내용입니다. 제자들은 예수님의 선포와 요구가 아무리 충격적이고 세상의 상식과 기준에 맞지 않더라도, 베드로 처럼 예수님을 꾸짖거나 그의 말을 부끄러워할 것이 아니라, 예수님의 말을 경청하고 들어야 한다는 것입니다. 베드로에게는 이러한 음성이 다른 두 제자들 보다 어쩌면 더욱 의미심장하게 다가왔을 것입니다.


우리의 삶 속에서 어떠한 결정을 하거나 계획을 할 때는 모든 사람들이 ‘이것이 맞다’고 이야기하거나, 자신의 경험도 ‘이렇게 하는것이 옳다’는 확신을 가질 때 일을 진행하게 됩니다. 세상의 기준에서는 당연히 그렇게 하는 것이 옳고 맞는 것입니다. 하지만 모든 것이 다 준비되어있고, 마지막 결정의 순간만 남겨두었을 때 주님께서 ‘그것은 옳지 않다, 그 길은 내가 원하는 길이 아니다’ 라고 말씀하신다면 여러분은 어떻게 하실 것인가요?

However, if the proclamation there was a proclamation given to Jesus Himself, here, in this place, God directly proclaims Himself to the disciples. Through this proclamation and the disciples seeing with their own eyes the transformed appearance of Jesus, their conviction about Jesus' Messianic status is strengthened.

In the structure of the Gospel, the identity of Jesus as the Son of God is revealed by proclamation in the early and peak parts of the Gospel, as in today's passage (verse 7) and the last part.

Furthermore, the second half of God's voice is related to the disciples' duty. Despite how shocking and contrary to the norms and standards of the world Jesus' proclamation and demands may be, the disciples should not rebuke or be ashamed of Jesus, like Peter, but rather, they should listen and obey Jesus' words. For Peter, this voice might have been even more meaningful than for the other two disciples."

In our lives, when making decisions or planning, everyone proceeds when they say, 'This is right,' or when they have confidence in their own experiences, saying, 'Doing it this way is right.' From the world's perspective, doing so is considered correct and right. However, what if, when everything is prepared and only the moment of the final decision is left, the Lord says, 'That is not right, that is not the path I desire'? What will you do?


준비하고 계획한 그 모든 일들을 다 내려 놓고 그 말씀에 순종하실 수 있으신가요? 아니면 내 생각과 세상의 기준에 의지하여 밀어 붙이실 것인가요? 지금까지 저희들의 삶은 늘 이러한 결정의 순간에 갈등을 하는 것 같습니다.

어제 본문에서 본것 처럼 베드로는 자신의 생각, 인간적인 생각과 기준을 가지고 예수님을 규정하고 판단했습니다. 그러한 베드로가 주님께서 보여 주시고 말씀하신 것을 듣고 보고서야 비로서 예수님을 메시아로 인정하고 깨달은 것입니다.


예수님의 권위와 말씀에 순종하지 못하는 모습이 우리에게도 참 많습니다. 그래서 베드로 처럼 직접 경험하거나 큰 아픔과 어려움을 겪고 나서야 비로서 주님을 다시 붙잡고 순종하는 삶을 결심하게 됩니다. 우리가 어떠한 결정을 하던지 주님은 우리의 의견을 존중하시고 함께 하시지만, 그전에 늘 주님께 먼저 묻고 주님의 말씀에 믿음으로 순종하며 믿음의 한걸음을 떼시는 저와 여러분이 되시기를 바랍니다.


이러한 믿음의 걸음을 통해 제자의 길을, 제자의 삶을 작은 것부터 누리고 맛볼 수 있는 것입니다. 처음에는 힘이듭니다. 어렵습니다. 내것을 포기해야하고 다시 시작해야하는 고통이 있을 수 있습니다. 그러나 주님이 원하시는 일이라면 그 길이 어떠하던지 우리는 신뢰하며 앞으로 걸어나아가야 합니다. 그러할 때 우리의 모습 가운데 주님의 얼굴 빛이 비춰질 줄 믿습니다.

Can you let go of all the preparations and plans and obey His words? Or will you rely on your own thoughts and the world's standards to push forward? In our lives so far, it seems like there is always conflict in these moments of decision.

As seen in yesterday's passage, Peter judged and determined Jesus based on his own thoughts and human standards. It is only after Peter sees and hears what the Lord shows and says that he recognizes and realizes Jesus as the Messiah.

There are many instances in our lives where we do not obey the authority and words of Jesus. Therefore, like Peter, we often decide to grab hold of and obey the Lord again only after experiencing directly or going through great pain and difficulty. Whether making any decision, the Lord respects our opinions and accompanies us, but always, before anything else, we should inquire of the Lord and trust and obey His words in faith. I hope that you and I can be those who take a step of faith through such steps of faith.

Through these steps of faith, we can enjoy and taste the disciples' path, the disciples' life, from small things. It is difficult at first. It is challenging. There may be pain in letting go of what is ours and starting over. However, if it is what the Lord desires, no matter how the path is, we should trust and move forward. When that happens, I believe the face of the Lord will shine in our midst.


본문 2~8절에서 예수님의 영광스런 모습은 8:31에서 선포된 메시아의 낮아지신 모습과 너무도 강한 대조를 이루고 있습니다. 그러나 예수님은 자신의 이러한 영광을 경험한 제자들에게, 9절에서 다시 한 번 그들의 경험에 대해 비밀을 유지할 것을 말씀하십니다. 


뿐만 아니라 12절에 예수님은 자신의 고난에 대해 한번 더 언급하시면서 제자들의 관심이 한쪽으로 치우치지 않도록 당부의 말씀을 하십니다. 이제 이 세 명의 제자들은 메시아의 진정한, 단순히 영광스러운 미래를 열어가시는 분으로서가 아니라, 진정한 영광을 위해 먼저 고난을 당하시고 처참한 죽음까지 경험하셔야 하는 분으로 조금씩 실제적으로 이해해 갔을 것입니다.


우리도 말씀을 읽거나 들을 때 마치 말씀이 수수께끼 처럼 들릴 때가 있고 이해되지 않을 때가 있습니다. 그러나 오늘 본문에서 제자들이 경험한 것처럼 이러한 극한의 일을 우리는 잘 경험하지는 않습니다. 또한 우리의 삶과 환경을 성경 안에 억지로 짜맞추고 억지섞인 해석을 하지도 않습니다.

The glorious appearance of Jesus in verses 2-8 is in stark contrast to the lowly appearance of the Messiah proclaimed in 8:31. However, Jesus, who experienced such glory, once again in verse 9, instructs the disciples to keep the secret of their experience.

Furthermore, in verse 12, Jesus mentions His suffering again, urging the disciples not to let their attention be skewed in one direction. Now these three disciples gradually understand that they are not following someone who opens a glorious future for the Messiah but someone who must first suffer and experience a miserable death for true glory.

We also sometimes hear the word like a riddle or do not understand when reading or listening to the word. However, as the disciples experienced in today's passage, we do not often experience such extreme situations. Also, we do not force our lives and circumstances into the Bible with forced interpretations.


하지만 하나님께서 성경을 통해 말씀하신대로 살아내려 노력하며, 나의 삶에서 주님은 어떠한 계획을 가지고 계신지 늘 귀기울여 들어야 합니다. 그렇게 말씀을 통해, 기도를 통해 주님과 대화하며 주님의 마음을 하나씩 알아가고 이해해가면서 세상을 살아가야 합니다.


이렇게 주님과 함께 하는 삶을 살아가다 보면, 때로는 힘에겨워 주저앉더라도, 겁에 질려 도망치고 싶더라도, 예상치 못한 상황에 빠지게 될지라도 그 가운데 늘 우리와 함께 하시는 주님의 영광과 인도하심과 지혜를 경험하게 될 줄 믿습니다. 


오늘 하루도 제자들이 그러했던 것 처럼 지금의 내 마음과 상황에 빠지지 않고 내 삶의 주인되신 주님만을 바라보고 붙드시며 한걸음 한걸음 제자의 길을 묵묵히 걸어 나가시는 한사랑교회 모든 성도님들 되시기를 간절히 기도합니다.


Nevertheless, while striving to live as God speaks through the Bible, we should always listen carefully to the Lord first and trust and obey the Lord's words in faith before understanding. Through such steps of faith, I pray that we can know and understand the heart of the Lord, conversing with Him through reading or hearing the word and prayer, and live our lives according to the word of the Lord.


Living a life with the Lord like this, we may face difficulties, want to give up, or fall into unexpected situations, but in the midst of it all, as we experience the glory, guidance, and wisdom of the Lord who is always with us, I believe His face will shine upon us.


For today as well, I earnestly pray that all the saints of Hansarang Church can walk the disciples' path, looking only to the Lord of our lives, not getting caught up in our current thoughts and situations, and steadily walking the path of discipleship, one step at a time.


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