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20240110 [새벽묵상] 진리의 작은 씨앗 | The Small Seed of Truth (막/Mk 4:21~29)

4:21 또 그들에게 이르시되 사람이 등불을 가져오는 것은 말 아래에나 평상 아래에 두려 함이냐 등경 위에 두려 함이 아니냐

4:22 드러내려 하지 않고는 숨긴 것이 없고 나타내려 하지 않고는 감추인 것이 없느니라

4:23 들을 귀 있는 자는 들으라

A Lamp on a Stand

21 He said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? 22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”

4:24 또 이르시되 너희가 무엇을 듣는가 스스로 삼가라 너희의 헤아리는 그 헤아림으로 너희가 헤아림을 받을 것이며 더 받으리니

4:25 있는 자는 받을 것이요 없는 자는 그 있는 것까지도 빼앗기리라

24 “Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more. 25 Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”

4:26 또 이르시되 하나님의 나라는 사람이 씨를 땅에 뿌림과 같으니

4:27 그가 밤낮 자고 깨고 하는 중에 씨가 나서 자라되 어떻게 그리 되는 지를 알지 못하느니라

4:28 땅이 스스로 열매를 맺되 처음에는 싹이요 다음에는 이삭이요 그 다음에는 이삭에 충실한 곡식이라

4:29 열매가 익으면 곧 낫을 대나니 이는 추수 때가 이르렀음이니라

The Parable of the Growing Seed

26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”



오늘 본문 21~25절에 나오는 등불과 헤아림에 관한 비유는 어제 살펴본 10~12절에 있는 비유들에 관한 설명을 보완해 주고 있습니다. 이것들은 예수님과 제자들과 그 주위에 있던 사람들이 비유에 관해서 물어보았을 때 그들에게 명백하게 말씀하신 내용을 표현해주고 있습니다. 또 26~29절의 땅에 뿌려진 씨는 3~9절의 씨뿌리는 자의 비유와 유사한 것들이고 숨겨진 하나님의 나라라는 주제를 발전 시키면서 서로 보완해줍니다.

The parables of the lamp and counting in verses 21-25 complement the explanations of the parables discussed yesterday in verses 10-12. They vividly express the content that Jesus clearly spoke to them when they inquired about the parables. Furthermore, the sowing of the seed in verses 26-29 is similar to the parable of the sower in verses 3-9, developing and complementing the theme of the hidden kingdom of God.


21~23절 등불의 비유

고대 이스라엘에서 등불은 기름이 가득 찬 도기 안의 심지에 불을 붙이는 것이었습니다. 등불은 켜지 않고 평상 아래 즉 빛을 볼 수 없는 밀폐된 곳에 두는 일은 없었습니다. 그 대신 불을 밝혀서 받침대 위에 두어 방을 환하게 비추게 하였습니다. 등불의 비유는 하나님의 목적이 빛처럼 어두움 속에서 가려지지 않고 모든 사람에게 드러난다는 사실을 말하고 있습니다.


헬라어 원문을 보면 21절에 등불을 가져오는 것이 “등잔이 오느냐?”로 되어 있습니다. 이것은 예수님을 “오시는” 등잔으로 암시하는 것입니다. 현재는 비밀스러운 것이 많은데 이는 등잔에 어떤 잘못된 점이 있어서가 아니라, 하나님이 그것을 의도하셨기 때문입니다.


다시 말해 하나님의 영광은 수수께끼 같은 비유들, 약함, 고난당함, 죽음을 통한 연약한 방법을 통해서 간접적으로 드러나는 것입니다. 예수님과 하나님의 통치 사이에 있는 관계의 비밀은 십자가의 죽으심과 부활 이후에 더 분명해 질 것입니다. 


그러나 그때에도 세상의 것만을 탐하고 바라보고 있는 사람들은 예수님과 하나님과의 관계를 알지 못합니다. 아마 많은 사람들은 종말 때까지 무지 가운데 머물러 있을 것입니다. 왜냐하면 그들의 눈이 이 세상을 사랑하는 욕망에 현혹되어 소경이 되어 있고, 그들의 귀가 이 악한 세대의 소리로 막혀있기 때문입니다.


Parable of the Lamp, Verses 21-23

In ancient Israel, a lamp involved lighting a flame in a vessel filled with oil. Lamps were not placed in sealed places without being lit, but instead, they were positioned to shine brightly on a stand to illuminate the room. The parable of the lamp emphasizes that God's purpose, like light, is not hidden in darkness but revealed to everyone.

In the original Greek text, verse 21 phrases bringing the lamp as "Has the lamp come to shine?" implying Jesus as the coming lamp. Present secrecy exists not because there is something wrong with the lamp but because God intends it.

In other words, God's glory is revealed indirectly through enigmatic parables, weakness, suffering, and the vulnerability of the cross. The mystery between Jesus and God's reign will become clearer after the crucifixion and resurrection.

However, those focused solely on worldly desires remain ignorant of the relationship between Jesus and God. Many people may remain in ignorance until the end, blinded by their love for this world, with ears blocked by the noise of this evil generation.

오늘날 많은 그리스도인들의 모습은 사라지고, 또한 그리스도인이라고 밝히기를 꺼리고 있습니다. 이러한 그리스도인은 상자에서 꺼내지 않은 신상품 등불과 같습니다. 만약 등불이 사람들이 보는 데 도움이 되지 않는다면 그 등불은 쓸모가 없게 됩니다. 


우리의 삶은 하나님을 알지 못하는 그들에게 하나님을 발견하는 법과 그분을 위해 사는 법을 보여줘야 합니다. 그러나 우리의 삶이 상자안에 들어있는 등불과 같다면 어떤 상자들로 우리의 빛을 감추고 있는지 우리 자신을 자세히 들여다 봐야 합니다. 자기만족, 분노, 근심, 완고한 마음 혹은 불순종이 그 빛을 비추지 못하게 하는 것일 수도 있습니다. 


이제 우리는 잘 포장된 상자안에 담겨있기만을 좋아하는 것이 아닌, 진정 필요한 곳에 우리를 통해 잘 쓰여지고 전해질 수 있는 저와 여러분이 되시기를 바랍니다.

Today, many Christians seem to disappear or hesitate to identify themselves as Christians. Such Christians are like unused lamps still in their boxes. If the lamp does not help people see, it becomes useless.

Our lives should demonstrate how to discover and live for God to those who do not know Him. However, if our lives are like sealed lamps hiding our light, we need to examine closely the boxes in which we conceal our light—whether it be self-satisfaction, anger, worry, stubbornness, or disobedience.

Now, we must desire not just to be neatly packaged in a box but to be useful where we can be well-utilized and shared with others.


24~25절 헤아림의 비유

헤아림의 비유는 백성들이 빛에 반응하는 방법을 가리킵니다. 부익부 빈익빈 이라는 경제적 원칙 역시 영적 생활에도 동일하게 적용 됩니다. 잘 듣지 않는 사람이 무관심과 무지라는 늪에 점점 더 빠져 들어가는 것처럼 그들은 가진 모든 것을 다 잃어버리고 아무것도 소유하지 못한 사람이 될 것입니다. 


그러나 잘 듣는 사람은 하나님의 목적에 대해 더 많은 이야기를 듣고 이해할 것이며, 매우 풍성한 은혜와 사랑과 긍휼을 소유할 것입니다. 헤아림의 비유는 경고와 약속 모두를 담고 있으며, 어떻게 듣는지 그리고 그 말씀의 빛에 어떻게 반응하는지에 주의 하라고 말하고 있습니다. 


우리는 진리를 향해 나아가야 하며, 진리에 귀가 먹은 상태로 살아가지 않도록 해야 합니다. 이러한 상황을  무시하는 사람은 결국 모든 것을 잃게 될 것입니다. 그러나 감추어있는 것에 자신의 믿음을 거는 사람은 모든 것을 얻을 수 있는 사람 입니다.


예수님이 비추신 진리의 빛은 감추어 있지 않고 믿는 우리들에게 드러나 있습니다. 하지만 우리는 즉시 그 모든 진리를 사용하거나 깨닫거나 당장 볼 수는 없습니다. 우리가 하나님의 가르침을 알아가고 실천할 때에 그 진리를 더욱 깨닫고 보게 될 것입니다. 


진리는 분명하지만 우리의 이해능력은 불완전 합니다. 우리가 순종할 때 우리의 통찰력은 더욱 예리해지고 이해력은 더욱 향상될 것입니다. 그래서 우리는 ‘인내하라’ 라는 말을 늘 가슴에 간직하고 있어야 합니다. 그 진리와 하나님께서 약속하신것을 보는 것은 우리의 시간과 계획이 아닌, 하나님의 시간과 계획에 달려 있기 때문에 우리는 그 시간을 인내하며 기다려야 합니다. 그러면 결국 그 진리와 약속을 보게 될 줄 믿습니다.

Parable of Counting, Verses 24-25

The parable of counting illustrates how people respond to the light. The economic principle of "the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer" applies similarly to spiritual life. Just as the person who does not listen sinks deeper into the swamp of indifference and ignorance, they will eventually lose everything and become destitute.

On the contrary, the one who listens well will hear and understand more about God's purpose, possessing abundant grace, love, and mercy. The parable of counting contains both a warning and a promise, urging attention to how one listens and responds to the light of the Word.

We must move towards the truth and avoid living with closed ears to the truth. Those who ignore this reality will eventually lose everything. However, those who place their faith in what is hidden will gain everything.

The light of truth that Jesus shines is not hidden from us who believe. Yet, we may not immediately use, comprehend, or see all the truth. As we learn and practice God's teachings, we will progressively realize and see more of that truth.

While truth is clear, our understanding is imperfect. As we obey, our insight sharpens, and our understanding improves. Thus, we must always keep the word "patience" in our hearts, understanding that seeing the truth and God's promises depends on God's timing and plan. We must patiently wait for that time, trusting that we will eventually see the truth and promises.


26~29절 땅에 뿌려진 씨의 비유

땅에 뿌려진 씨 비유에서 예수님은 또 다시 하나님의 일들을 농부의 일상 세계에 비교하고 있습니다. 농부는 씨를 심고 가서 자기의 일상적인 일을 해 나갑니다. 즉 잠을 자고 일어나고 밤낮을 오가는 동안 씨는 싹을 내고 자라난다는 것입니다. 경건한 유대인들은 식물의 성장을 하나님의 기적적인 사역으로 생각하고 단순히 자연법칙의 결과로 생각하지 않았습니다.


뿌려진 씨의 비유들은 하나님 나라의 연관성을 보여 주고 있습니다. 사람이 땅에 뿌린 씨앗은 쉬지않고 자라납니다. 가만히 있는 것 같지만 사람이 알지 못하는 사이에 싹을 내며 자라서 마침내 결실에 이르게 됩니다. 그 결실의 때가 이른 것을 볼 때 씨를 뿌린 사람은 그것을 거두지 않을 수 없습니다. 


이 비유에서 강조되는 것은 씨앗의 생명력과 활동성 입니다. 이미 생동하는 그 놀라운 생명력은 결실의 때에 이르기까지 결코 멈추지 않을 것입니다. 이와 마찬가지로 땅 위에 임한 하나님의 나라 라는 씨앗은 계속해서 이 땅에서 자라날 것입니다. 그 자라는 것이 비록 사람의 눈에는 드러나 보이지 않을 지 모르나, 그것이 다 자라난 뒤에는 추수의 때가 다가옴을 우리는 분명히 볼 것입니다.


우리가 누군가에게 하나님 나라를 전한다 할지라도 영적인 삶의 씨는 성령의 능력으로 자라기 때문에 우리는 그들에게 지시하거나 감언이설로 꼬이거나 강요하여 믿게 할 필요가 없습니다. 사실 우리는 그렇게 믿게 할 수도 없습니다. 믿음은 스스로의 입술의 고백으로 얻어지는 것입니다. 위협이나 뇌물로 보이는 그 어떤 것으로도 진정한 믿음을 얻을 수는 없습니다. 

Parable of the Seed Sown in the Ground, Verses 26-29

In the parable of the seed sown in the ground, Jesus once again draws a comparison between God's work and the everyday world of a farmer. The farmer sows the seed and then goes about his daily tasks, sleeping, waking, and going about day and night, while the seed silently sprouts and grows. Devout Jews regarded the growth of plants as a miraculous work of God, not simply a result of natural laws.

The parables of the sown seed demonstrate the relevance to the kingdom of God. The seed sown by a person in the ground grows incessantly. Though it may seem still, it silently sprouts and grows, eventually reaching fruition. When the time for harvest comes early, the one who sowed the seed cannot refrain from reaping it.

Emphasized in this parable is the vitality and activity of the seed. The dynamic life force within the seed will never cease until it reaches fruition. Similarly, the seed of the kingdom of God, sown upon the earth, will continue to grow. Though its growth may not be visible to human eyes, we will clearly see the approaching time of harvest once it has fully grown.

Even when we proclaim the kingdom of God to someone, there is no need for us to instruct or coerce them to believe, as the spiritual seed grows through the power of the Holy Spirit. In fact, we cannot make anyone believe in such a way. True belief comes through one's own confession of the lips. Genuine faith cannot be obtained through threats or bribery.


진실로 믿는 사람은 누구나 하나님에 의해 직접 이끌림을 받는 것입니다. 우리 자신도 처음 하나님을 만났을 때를 생각해 보십시요. 어떤 조건이나 사람에 말에 의해 믿게 된 것이 아닙니다. 우리안에 있는 믿음을 증거함으로서 씨를 뿌리는 것이 우리가 해야 할 일입니다. 그 이후는 하나님 만이 그것을 싹 틔우시고 잎을 내시며 꽃을 피우시는 분이심을 믿어야 합니다. 


우리는 성실하게 사람들에게 복음을 전하고 성장에 관해서는 하나님께 맡겨 드려야 한다는 것입니다. 그렇게 할 때 작은 씨앗이 작은 것으로 머물지 않고 나중에는 100배까지의 결실을 맺을 것입니다. 아마 이러한 결실을 세상의 기준과 눈으로 바로보는 사람들은 결코 이해되지 않을 것입니다. 


이러한 모든 비유의 중심에 있는 것이 바로 예수 그리스도와 말씀이기 때문입니다. 예수님의 말씀은 세상 속에 새로운 질서를 나타냅니다. 우리가 알고 있고 따라가고 있는 세상의 기준이 더 이상 우리의 삶의 기준이 아닙니다. 세상의 기준에서 볼 때는 가장 작은 것밖에 안 되는 씨앗 하나가 온 세상 사람들의 삶을 뒤바꾸는 큰일을 하고 있는 것입니다. 


반면 그 작은 씨앗을 우리의 마음 밭에 소중히 품는 사람은 주님이 부어 주시는 큰 은혜와 평안을 맛보고 얻게 될 것입니다. 이 모든 일의 핵심에는 십자가에서 우리의 죄를 위해 대신 죽어주신 그 예수님이 계시기 때문입니다. 오늘도 이 작은 씨앗을 부지런히 내 삶속에서 심고 그 씨앗이 주님과 함께 멋지게 자랄 것을 기대하는 저와 여러분이 되시기를 소망합니다.


A person who truly believes is led by God Himself. Reflect on when you first encountered God; it was not through any condition or person's words. Our task is to sow the seed by bearing witness to the faith within us. Afterward, we must trust that God alone will nurture it, causing it to sprout, bear leaves, and blossom.


We must faithfully share the Gospel with others, leaving the growth aspect to God. When we do so, the small seed will not remain insignificant but will yield a harvest, even up to a hundredfold. Perhaps those observing from the world's perspective and standards will never comprehend this.


At the core of all these parables is Jesus Christ and His words. His teachings represent a new order within the world. The standards by which we know and follow the world are no longer the criteria for our lives. From the world's perspective, a seemingly insignificant seed has the power to bring about significant change in the lives of people worldwide.


On the other hand, those who treasure the small seed in the field of their hearts will taste and receive the abundant grace and peace that the Lord pours out. At the heart of all these events is Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins. Today, let us diligently sow this small seed in our lives, expecting it to grow beautifully in communion with the Lord.


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