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20231116 [새벽묵상] 말씀의 생기 | The Breath of the Word of God (잠/Prv 17:13-28)

17:13 누구든지 악으로 선을 갚으면 악이 그 집을 떠나지 아니하리라

13 Evil will never leave the house

    of one who pays back evil for good.

17:14 다투는 시작은 둑에서 물이 새는 것 같은즉 싸움이 일어나기 전에 시비를 그칠 것이니라

14 Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam;

    so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.

17:15 악인을 의롭다 하고 의인을 악하다 하는 이 두 사람은 다 여호와께 미움을 받느니라

15 Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent—

    the Lord detests them both.

17:16 미련한 자는 무지하거늘 손에 값을 가지고 지혜를 사려함은 어찜인고

16 Why should fools have money in hand to buy wisdom,

    when they are not able to understand it?

17:17 친구는 사랑이 끊어지지 아니하고 형제는 위급한 때를 위하여 났느니라

17 A friend loves at all times,

    and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

17:18 지혜 없는 자는 남의 손을 잡고 그의 이웃 앞에서 보증이 되느니라

18 One who has no sense shakes hands in pledge

    and puts up security for a neighbor.

17:19 다툼을 좋아하는 자는 죄과를 좋아하는 자요 자기 문을 높이는 자는 파괴를 구하는 자니라

19 Whoever loves a quarrel loves sin;

    whoever builds a high gate invites destruction.

17:20 마음이 굽은 자는 복을 얻지 못하고 혀가 패역한 자는 재앙에 빠지느니라

20 One whose heart is corrupt does not prosper;

    one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble.

17:21 미련한 자를 낳는 자는 근심을 당하나니 미련한 자의 아비는 낙이 없느니라

21 To have a fool for a child brings grief;

    there is no joy for the parent of a godless fool.

17:22 마음의 즐거움은 양약이라도 심령의 근심은 뼈를 마르게 하느니라

22 A cheerful heart is good medicine,

    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

17:23 악인은 사람의 품에서 뇌물을 받고 재판을 굽게 하느니라

23 The wicked accept bribes in secret

    to pervert the course of justice.

17:24 지혜는 명철한 자 앞에 있거늘 미련한 자는 눈을 땅 끝에 두느니라

24 A discerning person keeps wisdom in view,

    but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth.

17:25 미련한 아들은 그 아비의 근심이 되고 그 어미의 고통이 되느니라

25 A foolish son brings grief to his father

    and bitterness to the mother who bore him.

17:26 의인을 벌하는 것과 귀인을 정직하다고 때리는 것은 선하지 못하니라

26 If imposing a fine on the innocent is not good,

    surely to flog honest officials is not right.

17:27 말을 아끼는 자는 지식이 있고 성품이 냉철한 자는 명철하니라

27 The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint,

    and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.

17:28 미련한 자라도 잠잠하면 지혜로운 자로 여겨지고 그의 입술을 닫으면 슬기로운 자로 여겨지느니라

28 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent,

    and discerning if they hold their tongues.



저는 제 삶을 사는 것을 너무 늦게 시작했나 생각할 때가 있습니다. 어릴적부터 항상 부모님이 원하는 대로 해야 했어요. 제가 첫째라서 많은 기대가 있었거든요. 그런데 18세가 되자 모든게 변했습니다. 더 이상 부모님과 함께 살지 않았죠. 자동차와 핸드폰도 스스로 샀어요. 누가 저한테 “잘 시간이다. 빨리 좀 자라”할 사람이 더 이상 없던거죠. 저에게 잔소리 하는 사람이 없었어요. 너무나 자유로웠어요. 

여러분은 아시다시피 수영 못하는 저는 해군에 들어갔어요. 그리고 제 군대 신부증에는 "미국 정부의 것(Property of the U.S. Government)"이라고 적혀 있었어요. 미국 정부의 물건으로서 따라야 할 규정과 규칙이 많았죠. 그러나 제 한국인의 가정에서는 더 심했어요. 그래서 저는 매일 매일 기뻤어요. 제가 원하는 대로 할 수 있었죠. 그래서 제가 군데에서 중학교나 고등학교때 접하지 못한 것들을 많이 한거죠.


십대는 주로 어떻게 행동하나요? 여러분도 십대 시기를 겪어보셨을 텐데요. 십대들은 일반적으로 어떻게 행동하나요? 지난 5~6년 동안 청소년 사역을 하고 있어서 마치 제 미래를 위해 준비를 하고 있는 것 같아요. 제 아이들 지금은 7살 그리고 3살 인데 십대 되면 얼마나 힘들까…. 미래가 매우 힘들어 보이네요... (농담이에요). 청소년들은 그저 자기가 원하는 대로 행동해요. 그들은 즉흥적으로 행동해요. YOLO 마인드를 가지고 있어요. 그들은 눈 앞에 있는 것만 생각하고 장기적으로 생각하지 않아요. 그들이 잘못된 결정을 내리더라도 부모님이 무슨 일이 있어도 그들을 도와줄 거라고 믿으니까요. 십대들은 시야가 좁아요. 그리고 이것이 어리석은 자의 주요 특징 중 하나에요.

Some days, I feel like I started living way too late. What do I mean by this? Ever since I was young, I had to do what my parents wanted me to do. As a first born, there were many expectations placed on me. When I turned 18, everything changed for me. I was living without my parents. I bought my own car and phone. There was no one there to tell me when to go to sleep. There was no one who would nag at me about different things. I was free. Well, kinda free. As you know, I went into the Navy. And on our ID cards, it says “property of the U.S. Government”. There were many rules and regulations that I needed to follow as a property of the U.S. Government. However, it was worse in a Korean household. So I was very happy. I would do whatever I wanted to do. I feel like when I was in the military, I was a teenager because of all the spontaneous things that I did.

As a teenager, how do you act? You have probably all been teenagers before. How do teenagers normally act?  I’ve been doing youth ministry for the past five or six years, so I feel like I’m prepping for my future when Skyler and Jayden become teenagers. The future looks very bleak…..(just a joke). This is no offense to teens but teenagers just act like how they want to act. They act in the moment. They have the YOLO mindset. They just think about what is right in front of them and do not think long term. There is no reason for them to think long term. Even if they make a wrong decision, their parents will support them no matter what. Teenagers are shortsighted and this is one of the main characteristics of a fool. 

오늘의 성경 구절에서 솔로몬은 계속해서 미련한자가 어떤지를 설명하고 있습니다. 미련한 자들은 무조건 어리석은게 아니에요. 어떤 미련한 사람은 진짜 어리석겠죠. 그러나 그들이 어리석은 이유는 이 YOLO (You only live once) 마인드 때문이에요. 그들은 오직 그 순간에만 살아요. 그들은 하나님의 뜻에 반대 행동을 할 때가 많아요. 그들은 자신의 육체가 좋아하는 대로만 살아요. 그들은 하나님을 이해하지 못해요. 그들은 하나님이 존재한다고 믿지 않아요. 어리석은 자들은 그들의 행동을 통해 악을 다 자랑해요. 오늘 구절에서 이 미련하 자들의 특징을 함께 봅시다.


첫째, 미련한 자들은 선을 악으로 갚아요. 13절에서 솔로몬은 악한 자에게는 선으로 갚는 일은 결코 없다고 말해요. 다윗왕 처럼 밧세바와 간음하고 우리야를 죽이면서 큰 고난을 가졌어요. 또는 예수님을 십자가에 못 박도록 한 유대인 지도자들을 보면, 로마인들은 결국 (약 70년후에) 예루살렘의 성전을 파괴했어요.

John Trapp 목사는 이 구절에 대한 주석에서 "악에 선으로 갚는 것은 하나님이며, 선에 선으로 갚는 것은 인간적이고, 악에 악으로 갚는 것은 짐승적이며, 악에 선으로 갚는 것은 마귀적이다"라고 쓰고 있어요.

John Trapp 목사는 선을 악으로 갚는 사람은 미련한 자 뿐만아니라 마귀라고 부릅니다.

In today’s scriptures, Solomon continues to describe what a fool is like. Fools aren’t necessarily fools because they are dumb. Some might be. But the main reason why they are fools is because of this YOLO mindset. They only live for the moment. They do things that go against God. They only live for what their flesh likes. They don’t understand God. They don’t believe that God exists. Through their actions, fools will promote wickedness. Here are the main characteristics of a fool from today’s scriptures.

First, Fools will pay back evil for good. In Verse 13, Solomon says that evil will NEVER leave those who pay back evil for good. When we look at someone like King David who committed adultery with Bathesheba and killed Uriah, David brought great trouble to his family. Or when we look at the Jewish leaders who had Jesus crucified, the Romans eventually (after about 70 years) destroyed their temple in Jerusalem

Pastor John Trapp wrote in his commentary of his verse, “To render good for evil is divine, good for good is human, evil for evil is brutish, evil for good is devilish.”

Pastor John Trapp took it a step further saying that not only is this person a fool but this person is like the devil.

둘째, 어리석은 자들은 다투는 것을 좋아하고 거만해져요. 19절의 첫 부분에서 솔로몬은 다투는 것을 좋아하는 사람은 죄를 좋아하는 사람이라고 말해요. 이런 종류의 죄를 좋아하는 사람은 빈정거리고 증오하는 것을 좋아하는 사람이에요. 이 부분은 명확한데 그 다음 부분이 명확한지 않을수도 있어요. "자기 문을 높이는 자는 파괴를 구하는 자니라".

그러면 우리는 집문을 높이면 않된다는 걸까요? 만약에 어떤 사람이 가진 것이 많고 다 보호하고 싶고 다른 사람에게 이 큰 높은 문으로 인해 자랑하고 싶다면 그것은 파괴를 구한다는 것입니다. 예를 들어서 느부갓네살 왕 다 아실거에요. 결구엔 자랑만 다하가 나중엔 멸망 했습니다.  


이 문은 또한 입으로 성경에서 언급됩니다. 시편 141:3에는 다음과 같이 쓰여 있어요. "여호와여 내 입에 파수꾼을 세우시고 내 입술의 문을 지키소서" 그래서 이 큰 문은 Big mouth가 될수도 있는거죠.

우리가 조심하지 않으면행동뿐만 아니라 입을 통해서도 멸망을 할 수 있는겄이죠


Second, fools love to argue and are arrogant in nature. In the first part of verse 19, Solomon says that whoever loves a quarrel loves sin. A lover of this type of sin is one who loves this kind of bickering and hatred. So, this part is clear. However, the second part of verse 19 may not be not as clear: “whoever builds a high gate invites destruction.” So should we not have tall doors or gates for our houses? This can be talking about physical doors that can be boasting to others saying that I need these tall doors to protect what I have. It is being arrogant and bragging about themselves. However, like King Nebuchadnezzar, this will bring destruction. 

In the Bible, the mouth is also referred to as a door. In Psalm 141:3, it says: “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips” So this big door can also be seen as a having a big mouth. If we are not careful, we can bring destruction not only through our actions but through our mouth as well.

셋째, 미련한 자들은 항상 잘못된 점만 봐요. 22절에서는 "마음의 즐거움은 양약이라도 심령의 근심은 뼈를 마르게 하느니라"라고 기록되어있습니다. 심령의 근심은 항상 부정적인 면만 본다는 뜻이에요. 뼈가 마르면 어떤 의미일까요? 그들은 모든 희망과 모든 기운을 잃은 것이에요. 에스겔은 에스겔 37장에서 마른 뼈로 가득 찬 골짜기에 대한 비전을 보았어요. 에스겔은 하나님께 물었어요, 이러한 마른 뼈들이 살아날 수 있는 방법은 무엇인가요? 하나님은 에스겔 37:4b-6에서 이렇게 대답했어요.

"너희 마른 뼈들아 여호와의 말씀을 들을지어다. 주 여호와께서 이 뼈들에게 이같이 말씀하시기를 내가 생기를 너희에게 들어가게 하리니 너희가 살아나리라. 너희 위에 힘줄을 두고 살을 입히고 가죽으로 덮고 너희 속에 생기를 넣으리니 너희가 살아나리라 또 내가 여호와인 줄 너희가 알리라 하셨다 하라."


이러한 마른 뼈는 그 때의 이스라엘의 상태였어요. 그들은 한 나라로서 죽어있었어요. 그러나 하나님은 에스겔에게 이 비전을 주었어요. 이스라엘이 하나님의 생기에 의해 완전히 회복될 것이라고 말씀하셨습니다. 하나님의 말씀 통해서 살아날것이라고 말씀 하셨습니다.


Third, for fools, the glass will always be half empty.. In verse 22, it says: “A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” The crushed spirit are the ones that are pessimists who always look at the negative. What does it mean by the bones drying up? It means they have lost all hope and all spirit. Ezekiel had a vision in Ezekiel Chapter 37 about a valley that was full of dry bones. Ezekiel asked God, how can these dry bones live. And God answered in Ezekiel 37:4b-6: “Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” These dry bones were the condition of Israel at that time. They were dead as a nation. However God gave Ezekiel this vision that the nation of Israel will be restored by His breath. The Word of God.

어리석은 자와 의인의 차이입니다. 마른 뼈와 살아있는 뼈의 차이는 무엇일까요? 곧 하나님의 생기, 하나님의 말씀인 줄 믿습니다.


세상은 우리에게 육체적인 삶을 살라고 합니다. SNS가 우리에게 삶은 이렇게 살아야된다 라고 알려주고 있어요. 세상은 우리가 하나님을 필요로 하지 않는다고 가르치고 있습니다. 세상은 죽음이 모든 것의 끝이라고 말하며 마음대로 살라고 이야기합니다. 세상은 YOLO, 단 한 번의 삶이라고 말하고 있습니다. 이러한 마음가짐으로 우리는 영적으로 죽게 될 것입니다.


그러나 하나님의 말씀이 우리에게 불어들어오면, 그것은 우리를 육체적으로나 영적으로 회복시킬 것입니다. 우리는 예전에는 죄와 이 세상에서 죽었지만, 하나님의 말씀과 생기를 통해 완전히 회복될 것입니다. 이 아침에 우리가 기도 할때 하나님이 여러분에게 생명을 불어넣어 마른 뼈가 다시 살아나 회복 될 줄 믿습니다.


This is the difference between a fool and the righteous. What is the difference between dried bones and alive bones? It is this breath of God. It is the Word of God.


The world wants us to live by the flesh. Social Media is telling us you have to live a certain lifestyle. The world is teaching us that we don’t need God. The world is telling us that death is the end so live however you like. The world is telling us YOLO. You only live once. With this mindset, we will be spiritually dead.


However with the Word of God breathed into us, it will physically and spiritually restore us. Although we were once dead in our sins and in this world, through the word of God we will be fully restored. I pray that this morning may God breathe life into you and our once dry bones will be alive and well once again.



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